Chapter 33

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Devin had a brother?

No one had mentioned it to me before, not even Devin himself. Before I could ask Amanda what happened to his other son, Devin called me asking me to see him at the park.

I can already see Devin sitting on one of the benches as I walk to the place near the lake where he asked me to meet him. Sitting with him is my dad. I never thought I would see them together like that.

As if sensing my presence, Devin looked behind. He smiled when we saw me and stood up to walk towards me. A huge smile plastered on his face as he approached.

"You ditched me this morning for my dad?" I joked when he stopped in front of me.

"Just for today, babe." Devin said and leaned forward to kiss me. I pressed my hand on his chest to stop him and touched the side of his face with my other hand.

"No bruise or broken ribs? I'm surprised." I said.

Devin snorted. "Haha you're funny. Now come here and kiss me." He took my hand away from his chest and leaned closer to kiss me. I hold his face with both of my hands and kiss him back.

"I would love to do this all day, but your dad is waiting."

I forgot about my dad. I look towards where he is sitting, and thank God he's looking at the lake and not watching us.

"I'll be in the car." Devin gave me one last kiss then started walking towards the parking lot.

I reached the bench where my dad was sitting and sat beside him. "It's nice out here." I said.

"It is. This place reminds me of those days when we go by the lake to have a picnic. You, me and your mom. You love watching the ducks swim. Watching them always make you happy." He said, smiling as he watched the ducks floating on the water.

" Yes, especially that day when I ran to the edge of the lake and fell into the water." I smiled.

"You know your mom got so angry at me that day for letting you run off to the lake. Your mom is very protective of you. I always told her that she needs to relax and let you grow up. Let you experience not just all the happy and positive stuff but also disappointment and pain. Because that's what life is, it's not perfect."

"No, it's not." I simply said.

"I lost my job two months before your mom gave birth to your sister. I was a total mess. I had depression...I hated feeling so guilty about what happened to your sister. So I started drinking to forget about everything.

One night, I came home drunk, and your mom and I got into a huge fight. I...I lost my temper and pushed her. Her belly hit the corner of the dining table before she fell hard on the floor. And then she started bleeding." Dad paused and closed his eyes. I reached out to hold his hand, and I saw a tear run down his cheek before he was able to wipe it off.

"I rushed her to the hospital. The doctor said they need to take your sister out to save her...I was there...I saw her. She was beautiful...but we didn't get to hold her. She was barely breathing when they took her out. She'd only seen the world for a minute...And it was all because of me. I killed her. I killed them both. Guilt has eaten me alive, and I don't know how to live anymore after that. I can't take care of you. I didn't trust myself to raise an eight year old girl. So left you with Grams." Dad looked me straight in the eyes for the first time since I arrived. "But I never stopped thinking about you. Never."

"Why didn't you call," I asked.

"Because I'm a coward. I'm ashamed of myself...of abandoning you...of not contacting you for years. After all these years, I don't know how to talk to you anymore. I'm afraid you will not talk to me or even look at me. I... I understand if you hate me and won't be able to forgive me. But please let me do this, let me apologise for everything I've done to our family." Dad reached out and touched my cheek. His eyes swell with tears. "I'm sorry, Sam. I'm sorry for everything. And you don't have to forgive me. I just want you to hear how sorry I am."

"Dad..." was all I said and pulled him into a hug. Although I stopped crying for the deaths of my mom, sister and grandma, and for the father who abandoned me, the pain it caused never stopped. Today, I cried again. I cried as if all the pain I kept all these years had accumulated a river of tears. Tears that are now overflowing and rushing down my cheeks.

"You don't have any idea how happy I was when you came here to see me. Thank you for coming here, thank you for seeing me. I loved you, always."

"I love you too, Dad. Always..."

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