Chapter 10 - Wonder how it feels to punch a Skellion?

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"So, lucky girl, who's it going to be?" Colin's question echoed in my head repeatedly. 

My mind painted a clear picture of Drew, but my nerves kept my mouth shut. I looked at Drew and knew I liked everything about him, from his hazel eyes that brought me warmth and comfort to his infectious boyish smile that never failed to make me smile too. Then, I looked at Devin, and all I saw was a face void of any emotions. His eyes were very still, neither angry nor happy, but there were unspoken words in them that terrified me.

I'd do anything to know what was going on in his mind right now.

He knew our parents were married, and I was absolutely sure he hated me as much as he hated my father because his piercing eyes were always filled with loathing every time he saw me, and yet he kissed me. I might not know what's going on in Devin's mind right now, but I knew he was trouble, and I didn't want him in my life more than he already was. That helped me decide who to choose between him and Drew.

I was so nervous, and my nerves were killing me. I had never been in a situation like this where I was the center of everyone's attention. I needed to calm myself down, so my hand went up to hold onto my locket, but I couldn't feel it hanging from my necklace anymore. It felt like someone had dumped a bucket of ice water on me when realisation finally hit.

I lost my mom's locket.

I looked down and quickly scanned the ground where I stood, but it wasn't there. I was so anxious that I felt like running around the house like a mad dog. 

"Alright, sweet pea, we don't have all night to wait for your answer," Colin announced, and everyone laughed with him. My mind was too preoccupied with finding my locket that I forgot everyone was waiting for me to choose between Devin and Drew.

"Come on, girl! Give us your answer! Are you going with Drew or with Archer? I suggest you go with Archer if you want to have a wild night." Colin's last comment created another round of howling and whistles from the crowd as they began to chant Devin's name.

I could feel my heart pounding in my chest, and cold sweats on the palm of my hands. I let go of my necklace but then couldn't figure out what to do with my hands. So instead, I let them fall to my side and curled them into tight fists. I knew I needed to make a decision now so I could start looking for my locket. 

I looked at Devin, who was still watching me intently. There was no way I was going to choose him, and I bet he knew that too. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath before saying Drew's name as I exhaled. When I opened my eyes, Drew was smiling from ear to ear. All my worries disappeared as soon as our eyes met. 

We were staring at each other with silly smiles on our faces for a couple of seconds. It was quite cheesy, I know! But it was a wonderful feeling that I would never want to forget. I hadn't had a boyfriend before, but I knew I made the right choice with Drew. I didn't love him yet, but I knew I really liked him.

Drew took a step toward me and cupped my face in his palms before kissing me with the same gentleness and softness as the first time. He was my first kiss, and it was perfect. He was perfect.

Drew ended the kiss with a peck on my nose, and as I withdrew from his arms, my eyes went to Devin and found his eyes boring into mine. I didn't realize how much more terrifying his look could get until now. His gray eyes were rigid and cold, sending chills to every part of my body. His fists were clenched, and I could see how he was grinding his teeth, even in his tight jaws. He looked extremely angry, and it scared the shit out of me.

"Sorry, Archie, you need to pick another girl tonight. Drew clearly won this one," we heard Colin say, and everyone turned to look at Devin, waiting for him to say something. But even Colin wasn't immune to Devin's burning glare because he stepped back when Devin threw his murderous glare toward him. I braced myself for Devin's outburst as he started to walk toward me and Drew. He stopped in front of me but didn't say anything, not until he casually leaned down toward my left ear. His face was so close that his warm breath tickled the side of my neck.

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