Chapter 7 - Dangerous temptations

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I finally got out of Archer's—or rather Devin's—heated gaze. I noticed him staring at me the entire time with a smirk glued to his face. I seriously wanted to get a flypaper and stick it onto his mouth to get rid of that annoying smirk.

Like Amanda had said, he absolutely hated my father because he neither talked to nor even glanced at him. It was like my dad wasn't there at all. Well, I acted the same towards him. I didn't want to talk to him. He was arrogant and rude, and I hated him.

I had just finished showering when I heard my phone ring. I immediately wrapped a towel around me and ran straight to the bedside table where my phone was. I got so excited when I saw that it was Lisa calling me.

"Hey, Lisa!" I answered excitedly, sitting on the side of my bed with my feet on the floor.

"Hey, Cali girl! How's your first day as a rich private high schooler?"

"It was my worst day ever! Worse than that zombie frog experience from biology two years ago." I remembered the most humiliating day of my life during our sophomore year. Lisa and I were lab partners, and we were dissecting a frog. After we cut the frog open, it suddenly moved and leaped toward me. It stuck to my shirt, and I was screaming my lungs out. The entire class, including Lisa, was laughing at me while I jumped up and down to get rid of the zombie frog.

"Oh my gosh! That was the best!" Lisa was laughing at the other end, and I was laughing hard with her until my eyes started watering. "What could be worse than that?"

"Well, for starters, I am being linked to someone at school just for arriving to school with him this morning. Apparently, he hadn't been seen with a girl for a long time, and that made everyone curious"

"Interesting. Well... the question is, is there something really going on between you and him?"

"No! I met him outside school this morning..."

"Interesting..." Lisa cut me off before I finished. 

"Argh..forget it! It's a long story! But I promise you nothing  is happening. I have nothing to tell...I'm still dying an old as single lady!"

"Okay...well then, that doesn't sound too bad at all...I mean with you walking into school with a guy, not that you're still dying as an old single lady. " 

Knowing Lisa, I knew she was just fishing for more information. Afraid that someone might hear me talking about my stepbrother, I lowered my voice. "Well, that wasn't all. I met my stepbrother today."

"Oh? What about him?" Lisa's voice was filled with curiosity, and I could almost picture her leaning forward, eager for juicy details.

"Well, he's a total jerk. I think he hates me. But what I'm really worried about is that he might start telling people at school that I'm his stepsister. I don't want my new school to know about it. I don't want any more drama." Just thinking about how the news of my family drama would explode at school, making everyone talk about me, filled me with dread. The idea of becoming the centre of gossip and whispers was terrifying.

"At school? So is he our age?" Lisa asked, surprised.

"Yeah, I think so. Why?"

"Is he hot? I want to meet him!" Lisa's excitement was palpable, and I could almost see her eyes lighting up at the prospect.

Didn't I tell her I think the jerk hates me? I thought, feeling a mix of irritation and disbelief.

"I told you he's a jerk," I replied, trying to keep my voice steady. Because Devin was being an annoying, arrogant jerk to me, I would never admit to myself or anyone that I was attracted to his stunningly beautiful eyes and perfectly chiseled jaw, which made his face dark and brooding.

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