Chapter 46 - Surprise visit

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It was Thursday, the day before the party, and I was trying to calm my nerves. I hadn't stopped thinking about Devin since I last saw him at the library—and yes, since that kiss. The memory of it played on a loop in my mind, leaving me torn between feeling stupid and feeling giddy. 

On one hand, I felt like I had betrayed myself by letting him kiss me after everything that had happened. 

How could I let my guard down so easily? 

On the other hand, I couldn't deny the butterflies in my stomach every time I thought about it.

Every time I replayed that moment, I felt a mixture of excitement and regret. I had spent so long building walls to keep him out, only to have them crumble in an instant. It just showed that when it comes to Devin, my mind doesn't work at all. Logic and reason fly out the window, replaced by an overwhelming pull toward him that I can't seem to resist.

Standing in the kitchen, waiting for the kettle to boil, I couldn't shake the feeling of confusion and frustration. 

Why did he have such a hold on me? 

Why did his kiss make my heart race when I knew better than to trust him? 

The conflicting emotions swirled inside me, leaving me feeling more uncertain than ever.  

I felt relax as the soothing aroma of my chamomile tea filling the air when I heard the front door open. 

"Blake?" I called out, putting my cup down and hurrying to the door. I don't get any visitors except from Blake since no one knew  was staying there. But when I reached the hallway, it wasn't Blake standing there. It was Devin. He looked just as surprised to see me as I was to see him. For a moment, we both just stood there, staring at each other.

"Devin?" I finally managed to say, my voice trembling slightly. "What are you doing here?"

He looked around, still confused. "This is Toby's old apartment. I came here to...well, I needed to see it again..." His voice was rough, filled with an emotion I couldn't quite place. 

"Why are you...What are you doing here?" he repeated, his brow furrowing as he tried to make sense of the situation. My heart pounded in my chest, the unexpected encounter leaving me unsettled.

I blinked, processing his words. Toby's old apartment? Blake hadn't mentioned anything about Toby. He had just said it was a friend's place. 

Devin's expression shifted from confusion to realisation. "Blake didn't tell you?" he asked, his tone softening.

"No, he didn't, he just said it was a friend's place" I replied embarrassed. 

"I should go," I continued, taking a step back. "This place is obviously important to you. I'll pack my bags and go." I turned around and started to head towards the bedroom to get my things when I I felt Devin's hand on mine. 

"Don't go." His voice was soft and pleading. Devin turned me around to face him. His eyes searched mine as if he was pleading for me to stay. 

"I didn't know you were here, Sam. I thought I was just visiting an old memory...But I'm glad you're here." 

An awkward silence settled between us, thick with unresolved tension. 

Devin reached out and gently grabbed my arm, stopping me. "Please stay."

He stepped closer, the warmth of his body radiating toward me. His usual confident, cocky demeanour was gone, replaced by a raw vulnerability that I had never seen before. 

His eyes were filled with a mix of pain and hope. "I'm here because I want to finally say goodbye to Toby. I've been trying to let go of my past, to move forward...for you...for us." His voice trembled, each word laden with emotion.

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