Chapter 3 - Archer and his alien babies

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As I entered my classroom, I noticed that everyone was staring at me again. Keeping my eyes downcast, I continued walking to an empty seat in the middle of the room, where no one was sitting on either side of me.

I pretended to check my phone for messages while waiting for the teacher when I heard the chair beside me move. I looked up and saw a blonde girl taking a seat on my right.

"Hi, I'm Brooklyn," she said, extending her hand. She was pretty and posh like the rest, but something about her was different. The first thing I noticed was her smile. I know a fake smile when I see it, and hers was genuine. I have trust issues, so I don't easily trust someone, but I felt like giving this girl a chance. I took her hand and smiled.

"Samantha. But call me Sam, please."

Brooklyn's smile turned into an expression of shock after I told her my name. I waited for her to move or say something, but she didn't. I just hoped I had made the right judgment about her.

"Brooklyn? Are you alright?"

"Brooke. Just Brooke." She replied calmly, but her face looked like she'd seen a ghost. Her calmness lasted only about three seconds before her face stretched into a wide grin, and she exclaimed, "So, you're the new girl that everyone's been talking about!"

Now, it was my turn to be shocked, for the second time today.

" there another new girl? Because I'm pretty sure there's nothing to talk about with me."

Yes, I'm new, but the-new-girl-that-everyone's-been-talking-about? I hope not!

"You're it, girl! Trust me, everyone's going crazy, especially the girls!"

"I'm sorry. I don't understand. Why would everyone be talking about me? And who's everyone?"

"The entire school! Especially those jealous bitches," Brooke said, eyeing the girls on the other side of the room who were all looking at us. "And why? Because you came here on your first day with Andrew Beaufort! Talk about the grandest grand entrance, baby!"

"Who's Andrew Beaufo..." Then it hit me. "Do you mean Drew?"

"Yezzzz, Dreeeww! Only his circle of close friends call him that, you know?" Brooke's grin grew wide again. She seemed extremely amused by that. Well, I was extremely amused that she found that amusing!

"Ow-kaaaay? So why is coming to school with him such a big deal?"

"Because! He's never been with any girl since...I mean, for a long time."

You should know how confusing all of this was for me. Hell, I'd been confused since I walked onto this campus with Drew this morning and noticed everyone staring. I got even more confused when I met Archer, who seemed to hate me for no apparent reason, plus the unspoken hatred between him and Drew.

I needed answers, and maybe Brooke knew something. She seemed up-to-date with the campus gossip anyway.

"What do you mean he's never been with a girl..."

"Good morning, class," our teacher greeted us. I rolled my eyes. Such good timing!

"I'll tell you later at lunch," Brooke said with a wink.

"So, are you going to tell me more about Drew?" I asked Brooke as we walked towards the cafeteria. I was quite intrigued about what she had told me about Drew. Plus, she mentioned that coming to school with Drew this morning shocked everyone, so I was concerned because I didn't want to get involved in gossip this early in the year.

"I am so hungry. Could you at least let me get something to eat first? Don't blame me if I suddenly bite you in the ass. I promise you I'll enjoy it! Your bum's quite big, so I bet it's juicy."

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