Chapter 15

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Devin finished packing his stuff before noon. He drove us back to our parents house and arrived just about time for lunch. We didn't talked since we arrived which I didn't mind as long as he's not being in his evil self, I'm fine being him around. Devin's behaving quite unusual since we woke up this morning. I wonder what changed. He was not being rude or trying to get a piss out of me which was I'm thankful for.

I was in my room reading when I heard a knock on my door. Since it was just the two of us in the house, I knew it was him although him knocking on my door was the sound I wouldn't want to here again since the last time he was here, he basically treated me like rubbish and called me a gold digger.

I don't have any idea why was he knocking on my door again but I learned my lesson and I'm not going to open that door unless he tells me what he wanted.

I walked to my door but didn't open it.

"What do you want Devin?"

"Open the door. I want to talk to you." I heard him behind my closed door.

"Just tell me what you wanted to say. I'm not letting you in."

"Why not? Are you naked?" I could see his smirk even behind my closed door.

That jerk!

"Come on Sam. Open the door, promise I won't peak!"

Arrrgh why does he have to be this annoying?

I opened my door and Devin greeted me with an annoying toothy smile. His eyes scanned me from head to toe.

"You're not naked?"

I rolled my eyes and attempted to slam the door on his face but he immediately got hold of the door.

"Easy. I'm kidding. Why are you being so feisty today?"

"What do you want?"

"I told you I want to talk to you."

"Okay. What about?"

"Just come downstairs for a little bit. I uhh...made lunch."

I raised my eyebrows.

Did he just said he made lunch?

Well, that's nice and sounded very suspicious at same time. It sounded appealing but Devin Archer knocking on my door and telling me he made lunch seemed too nice that it sounded terrifying. No, thank you. I'll pass.

"You made lunch? Is this one of your tricks again?"

"Aw, come on. I'm just trying to be nice here."

"I don't trust you."

"Just come downstairs. Promise, it's not a trick."

I just looked at him, trying to read his face for some hidden agenda. Devin Archer wouldn't just knocked on my door and will make lunch because he wanted to talk but then again he was being nice since this morning. I'm still hesitant to come with him but I guess nothing bad like last Friday will happen since it's just the two of us here, he doesn't have any audience to entertain by humiliating me.

"Fine." I made up my mind to trust him just this once and followed him downstairs straight to the kitchen.

There were two plates with cheese toast set on the kitchen counter. The toast looked amazing. They were crispy and browned on the outside and you could see the melted cheese oozing from the inside.

"Uh...Sorry. I don't really know how to cook." Devin scratched the back of his neck. The absence of his confidence and his hand on the back of his neck tells me he was embarrassed. Who would have thought you'll ever see Devin Archer embarrassed? He looked adorable.

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