Chapter 26

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A/N I already put a "Mature Content" warning on this book. Sorry for those of you who aren't comfortable with sex scenes, but I thought that I really want to write this book with this detailed scenes.

I went upstairs with my heart hammering in my chest. I knew with how Devin looked at me before he left that he wants me. With my raging hormones, I am more worried of myself that I wouldn't be able to say no to him. I want him too but I'm afraid of so many things that could happen after. I did't even know if what we have was something special. I knew that I'm starting to develop feelings for him. Was it love? I didn't know yet, that's why I wanted to be careful and think things through which always fail when Devin's involved. Also, I had no idea how he really feels about me. I'm worried that he'll lose his interest in me once I give him my virginity, after all he's Devin Archer and sex was just a game to him and I didn't know if I should trust him not just my virginity but with myself.

I opened the door and the room was dark. I released my breath knowing that Devin must be in his room already, but once I entered the room, I felt someone shut the door and in one quick movement grabbed me by my waist. I felt a warm body pressed against me, I knew it was him as soon as my breath caught his citrus and minty scent.

"What are you doing...ah..." I moaned as I felt his lips sucked on my chest. Only the silky thin layer of material was separating his mouth on my breast while his other hand running up my bare thighs.

"Devin..." I whispered. I wasn't sure what I was asking. I wanted to say stop but I was afraid to open my mouth because I might say the opposite.

Devin's hands went to my hips and lifted me up and my legs automatically wrapped around his waist. He started assaulting my neck, bitting in between his hot kisses. I knew that as soon as he kisses my neck my resistance will crumble. I pressed myself closer to him while my hand went to the back of his head where I dug my fingers into his hair.

"Fuck, Sam. Do you know how hard I was the entire time we were doing the photoshoot? I was so ready to fuck you right there in front of everyone." Devin groaned in between his kisses. I just moaned. I couldn't say anything. His naughty words were making more arouse.

His hungry kisses slowly died down and ended when his forehead touched mine-with his eyes closed, he stayed in that position unmoving. I could only hear our breaths in rhythm with my fast heart beat. I wonder what was running through his mind right now, his body was stiff but his fingers were digging on my skin.

He opened his eyes back up and I noticed the pain laced through his grey irises. "But-I can't. Even now that you're already almost naked in my arms , I know I shouldn't touch you."

"But I want you to." I said. I didn't want him to run anymore. I heard Devin's deep sigh before he walked us to my bed and carefully lay me in the middle of it. The room was still dark and only a dim light from outside was lighting the room. Devin went to the bedside and turned on the lamp, he walked back towards the foot of the bed and I watched him watching me as he got closer.

He stopped and stood at the foot of the bed still watching me without moving. We both gazed in each others eyes longingly, not a word spoken by either of us. His heated gaze were so intense that I felt like he was undressing me. I was getting more wet as he looked at me with those hungry eyes.

"I know I want you." I added.

"Don't say that, you don't know what you're asking."

I pushed myself up and knelt in the middle of the bed sitting on my butt. Devin's eyes followed my movement. His eyes widen when I slowly opened my thighs and pat the soft mattress in front of me.

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