Chapter 11 - Little Miss Toughie has a boyfriend

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I can't believe it! I hit Devin Archer, and the best part was watching him fall into the pool. It was priceless! I wanted to believe that he'd finally leave me alone now that we're even. But as Drew and I walked away from the pool, I caught Devin's eyes on me, filled with a silent promise of retaliation. I knew this was far from over.

We left Brooke with Liam. I knew she would absolutely love being alone with Liam now that they're together. I'm happy for her. I felt a bit like a hypocrite about how I reacted earlier when she told me how the Skellion date night works. I mean, here I am, walking away from that party with Drew's arm around me, aren't I?

But I knew Drew was different from the rest of the guys, so I'm quite confident that I made the right choice. He wouldn't hurt me. Well, I hope so.

I gave Drew directions to my Dad's house. I knew that I had to be honest with him and tell him about my relationship with Devin. It was time to let everyone know about my real connection with Devin and his family so that he couldn't use it against me anymore.

Drew stopped in front of the Archer mansion and turned to me with his eyebrows furrowed.

"We're at the Archers? You live here?"

I nodded.

"Yes. Devin's mom is married to my Dad. George Riley is my father." I grew nervous as I watched Drew's eyes widen in shock, his face going blank with confusion, as if his brain couldn't process the information. I hoped this revelation wouldn't make him run away from me.

"Shit. So that makes Devin your stepbrother."

"Unfortunately," I sighed dramatically, trying to lighten the mood. But Drew didn't say anything. He was staring straight ahead, grinding his teeth, his grip on the steering wheel tightening. He looked deep in thought, so I touched his arm to get his attention.

"Hey. You okay?"

"You need to move out. You can stay in my apartment."

"What?! Why?"

"Trust me. You should stay away from Devin. I've known him since we were kids, but I don't know what's running through his mind these days. And... I don't trust him."

"He's an ass. I know that, but I can protect myself from him. Besides, he doesn't even live here anymore."

"I just don't want you to get hurt. It's been a long time since I talked to him, but I know him like my own brother, and I know that he can be a real pain if he wants to."

I wanted to tell Drew that Devin had already been making my stay here in California miserable, but I was afraid that revealing this would create more tension between them.

"He might be really mean to me, but that's all he can do. He can't hurt me."

Drew sighed. "Alright, Little Miss Toughie. But can you do me a favour and give me your phone first? Pleeease." I was confused as to why he needed my phone, but his playful nickname and adorable puppy-dog eyes made me hand it over without questioning. He punched in some numbers and then called someone. His phone rang, and I realised he was calling his own phone using mine.

"There. You have my number, and I have yours. Call me if you need anything. I mean, anything, Sam. You're my girlfriend now, so there's no reason not to call me."

Girlfriend? He called me his girlfriend?

Drew saw the shock register on my face before I could hide it.

"What? Did I say something wrong?"

"You said... I'm your girlfriend?"

A small smile played on his lips. "Aren't you?"

"For how long?" I asked, noticing Drew's eyebrows furrow in confusion.

Great! The most amazing man I have ever met was sitting right in front of me, calling me his girlfriend, and I replied with, "For how long?" As soon as I realised what I had said, I felt my cheeks burn with embarrassment.

"What do you mean, for how long?"

"Brooke says Skellions change girls like they change their underwear..."

Drew burst out laughing.

"She said that? That's epic!" Drew continued laughing, which made me feel less awkward.

"Oh geez, sorry I can't stop laughing. That was hilarious!" He kept laughing for another minute before I finally joined in. After a few more moments, our laughter died down, leaving my stomach aching.

"Okay, now I'm serious. To be honest, I was hoping that by now you'd noticed I'm not the typical Skellion. But just to be clear, I do change my underwear every day." He winked, making my face flush again.

"Hey. Look at me," Drew said, his voice softening. I complied immediately, as if under his spell. His smile returned, and his eyes sparkled. He reached down and took my hand, staring deeply into my eyes.

"Can I just say you made me the happiest guy tonight by picking me? I am still on cloud nine right now, you know?" He lightly placed his hands on either side of my neck and then kissed my forehead, then the tip of my nose, each side of my cheeks, and finally, his lips touched mine. His kisses were gentle and sweet. To my disappointment, Drew slowly pulled away but didn't move his head.

"You are special to me, and I'm planning to keep you forever if you'll let me."

"Of course." That was all I managed to say because, aside from the butterflies in my stomach and the feeling of my head about to burst, I just couldn't wait to kiss him again.

After saying our goodbyes, I went inside the house and went straight to my room. It was only ten in the evening when I got back home, and Amanda and my Dad were already in their room.

I tucked myself in after a long, hot shower to relieve all the stress from tonight. If tonight was my official welcoming party in California, then I'm glad it's over. However, I'm devastated that I stood there in front of everyone soaked like a stray cat. I couldn't believe what happened, and that it had to happen in front of everybody. This was all my evil stepbrother's doing, and I'd never live this down.

Looking at my mom's locket in my hands, I felt extremely sad seeing the water damage to her photo. I somewhat regretted going to the party. But then again, I wouldn't have met Drew if I hadn't. Drew was the best thing that happened to me since I got here in California, and I am thankful I met him. But if I'm honest with myself, with all this drama with my Dad and now with Devin, I just want to go back to Georgia where I belong and leave everything here. But I know I can't. Not until I finish school and get a decent job.


Hey Lovelies,

Sorry for the super late update. As I mentioned from my last update, I went to a holiday with family. I just got back last week and yeah, maybe I should also mention that still have a jet lag waaaah...  Anyway, hope you enjoyed this chapter. This chapter has not been edited yet so sorry for all the mistakes and please don't forget to vote and comment! I want to hear your thoughts about my story. Thanks for reading and see you next time!

Anna xx

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