Chapter 16

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This chapter contains some sexual scene that you might find offensive. I suggest you skip this chapter if you don't like reading this kind of contents.

After having coffee, Drew took me to the park and we just lay there on the grass, talked, make out, talked, make out... and then make out a few more times. I had a great time with him. I feel comfortable around him and it felt like I knew him for a long time. Never once I thought that I would meet someone like Drew who can make my heart dance and the butterflies in my stomach flutter. I always felt like I don't really belong here in California but Drew changed all of that. He was like a burst of light that pierced into my blanket of darkness. His presence brings me joy and I always feel safe when I'm with him.

It was already quarter past seven when Drew parked his car in front of the Archer's mansion. Today had been amazing and I felt a bit sad that it already ended. Drew must be feeling the same way because I heard him sighed after he turned off the ignition.

"What's wrong?" I turned to my seat to look at him. There's a hint of frustration in his eyes again.

"I feel like I'm sending you to your hell right now."

"It's not that bad."I told him but Drew didn't say anything. After my talked with Devin,  I understand him better now and I hope that, that talked had somehow gave us a platform of understanding and he'll start to treat me well.

"Aw...come on don't spoil our first date thinking about Devin." I moved closer to him and give him a peck on the lips. As I pulled back Drew got hold on the sides of my neck, his hands stayed there, resting below my ears while his forehead rests onto mine.

"Hmmm...that's a great way to distract me. Can we do that again, please?"

I smiled at him and Drew initiated the kiss this time. It was slow, soft and comforting at first that turned into a fiery, hot and more passionate kisses. Drew's hand settled on my hips as he pulled me closer and I felt the heat from his palm passed to my skin and then travels directly through my veins, warming me as his kisses became more demanding.

You'd think that after all the hours I'd spent with Drew that I would know this side of him. I didn't imagine Drew can kiss like this, his innocent boyish smiles tricked me into thinking that he isn't capable of such passionate kisses. I'm not saying I was offended, in fact it was other way around. I was so into it. It was hot. Drew's kisses were hot. I felt the warmth on my cheeks as we slowly pulled away to breath, Drew brushed my cheeks with his thumb and I shyly looked at him.

"That was incredible..." I said softly.

His smirk told me everything and I smiled back at him.

"Um...I better go inside now. Thanks for today. I enjoyed it so much."

"I had a great time too, Sam. So, I'll see you in school on Monday?"

"Definitely." I smiled. We kissed a few more times until I had to playfully pushed him away because he doesn't want to let go of me. We were both laughing as I got out of his car and I watched Drew drive off before I entered the house.

As soon I entered the house, I heard the television coming from the living room. I went there expecting to see Devin but there was no one there. I noticed a box of pizza on the coffee table and a few bottles of beer and two plates with left over pizza slices.

Two plates? Devin must had company.

I decided to check the kitchen next hoping to find him there, I wasn't even sure why I am looking for him. I guess it's just a curtsy on my part to let him know that I'm back since we live together.

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