Chapter 48 - Nightmares revisted

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Devin's POV

The world seemed to move in slow motion as I realised what had happened. Kathryn's lips were on mine, and the crowd cheered. 

This is not what I fucking planned...dammit...

I pushed Kathryn away with all my strength, sending her stumbling to the floor. The crowd gasped, their cheers turning into murmurs of confusion and shock.

"What the hell, Devin?" Kathryn shrieked as she struggled to get up. She reached for my foot to get hold of me.

"Don't you fucking touch me!" I shouted, my voice trembling with anger and disgust. 

Kathryn's face twisted with rage and desperation. "You're making a mistake, Devin! She'll never understand you like I do! You don't belong to her!"

Who the fuck she think she is?

Ignoring her, my eyes frantically searched the crowd, and then I saw her—Sam's back as she ran towards the door. 

Where the fuck is she going? 

I saw Blake trailing behind Sam Horror washed over me as I realised the gravity of what just happened.


"Sam!" I yelled as I ran towards the direction she was running to, shoving through the people blocking my way. "Move!" I shouted. My heart pounded as I made my way to the door, pushing anyone who stood in my path.

I burst outside, my heart pounding, just in time to see Blake running towards his car. I caught up with him, breathless and desperate, adrenaline coursing through my veins.

"Where is she?" I demanded, my voice edged with panic.

Blake turned to me, his face pale and eyes wide with concern. "Sam drove away. She took some guy's car."

My heart sank, the weight of the situation crashing down on me. "Fuck!" I shouted in frustration, bending down, my hands on my knees as I tried to catch my breath. My mind raced with worst-case scenarios, the thought of Sam out there alone and driving terrified me.

Blake stepped closer, his hand gripping my shoulder in a comforting gesture. "Relax, mate. She'll be alright. She just needed time to process..."

"She doesn't drive, Blake! She doesn't even have a license!" I cut him off, my voice rising in desperation.

Blake's eyes widened in realisation, the gravity of the situation sinking in. "Shit. Fuck. Get in, we need to find her."

Without another word, we both jumped into his car, our movements frantic. The engine roared to life, and Blake floored the gas pedal. As we sped down the road, my mind was a whirlwind of fear and guilt. The image of Sam behind the wheel, scared and vulnerable, haunted me. I could barely breathe, the tightness in my chest growing with each passing second.

"Keep your eyes peeled," Blake said, his knuckles white as he gripped the steering wheel. "She can't have gotten far."

We drove for what felt like an eternity, scanning the road and the surroundings for any sign of the blue Toyota. My heart pounded in my ears, every moment that passed without finding her only adding to my panic.

After about ten minutes, we saw it—a blue Toyota crashed into a tree on the side of the road. My blood ran cold. The scene brought back horrifying memories of the night Toby died. My legs felt like lead, and I couldn't move.

"Fuck!" I heard Blake shout. He rushed out of the car towards the blue Toyota crushed against a big tree. I remained rooted in the passenger seat, staring blankly at the backlight of the car in front of us, my body paralyzed by fear and guilt.

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