Chapter 24

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I was in class when my phone buzzed. I looked at it and saw a message from Devin.

Devin: I'm dying to see you :(  My history class is soooo boring.


Devin: I need to kiss you asap or my dick will explode before the day ends.


Devin: Come and see me behind the chemistry room before lunch.

I smiled and blushed at him mentioning about his dick exploding. I put my phone back in my bag, when I looked up Brooke was watching me, she raised her eyebrows in interest and I just ignored her.

When the bell rang, I stood up and Brooke watched me in confusion as I gathered my things in a rush.  "I'll see you guys in the cafeteria, I'll just-uh-need to do something." I told her and hurried out without waiting for her reply.

I passed by the chemistry room when someone grabbed my arm and pulled me towards the janitor's room, the next thing I know, Devin was kissing me, his fingers digging on my hips which fire up my body quickly. I opened my mouth granting his tongue access and heard a low moan coming from the back of his throat as our tongue dances in rhythm.

Devin moved and buried his head in my neck and let out a long heavy sigh. "I can't wait to get you home." he groaned, his hand behind my head tightening as he pulled me closer, pressing me into him. I felt his erection thickening against my hips, which made me damp with need and desire. I ran my hands down his chest-and over to his six pack, every ripple on his stomach brought fire on the tip of my fingers.

Both of his hands went to my face as he nips my lower lip, sucked on it hard. Devin finally let go of my lips and brought his forehead to touched mine. I looked up to him while he looked down at me, his thick eye lashes fanning his rosy cheeks and I could feel the warmth of his breath coming from his slightly opened wet lips.

Being this close to Devin while he was looking at me with those amazing grey eyes that was full of desire made me do things that I don't usually do. I moved towards his lips while he was still cupping my face and sucked on his lower lip before started kissing him again.

"Fuck, Sam. You're killing me. We better stop now or I'll end up fucking you in here." He whispered, desperation laced in his voice. Yes. We better stop, or I will let him do to me whatever he wanted to do.

We walked to the cafeteria together-as soon as we entered the room, all eyes went to our direction.

"Ow." Devin complained when I elbowed him on his side, getting him to remove his arm that was encircled around my hips.

"Don't worry, I'll kissed it better later." I whispered seductively. Devin smiled wide showing all his teeth, he looked adorable. "Remember, behave-we're not telling them about us yet, okay?"

Devin leaned down to my side, his lips grazing my ear "Promise I'll behave, babe-but only if you'll allow be to be naughty later."

I swallowed. God. This boy will be the death of me.

Devin stared at me with his liquid grey eyes. "I like that you're blushing because of me." That made me blush even more. He bit his lower lip and smiled looking very pleased. "Go ahead while I'll go get us some food."

I went to our usual table where Brooke and rest of the guys were already sitting. Brooke was looking at me like I just grown another head.I felt nervous thinking she already know about Devin and I. I sat down on my usual spot before Devin arrived with a tray in his hands. He put a carton of orange juice and a half of his sandwich in front of me before sitting beside me, his arm behind my chair. I smiled and thank him. I noticed that it was unusually quiet in our table, when I looked up everyone was staring at us.

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