Chapter 1 - New Beginnings

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My alarm went off at six-thirty in the morning, and since I was awake for half of the night, I woke up feeling like a zombie.

Five days had passed, only five freaking days, but the last couple of days felt like a million light-years of travel through space. I might be exaggerating, but seriously, these last two days were the longest weekend that I had ever experienced in my entire life. I'm surprised that I haven't lost my sanity yet. What made this whole weekend worse was that I couldn't sleep at all.

I couldn't understand it. My new bedroom was amazing; the temperature in the room was perfect. I have this huge ultra-comfy bed that could fit four people, with a thick and soft duvet and six pillows that were all soft and fluffy. But instead of sleeping like a princess, I tossed and turned the whole night, and no matter how hard I tried, I just couldn't get to sleep.

I heard a knock on the door and immediately sat up when I heard Amanda's voice behind it.

"Honey, are you awake? You'll be late for school."

"Yeah." I was hoping to skip today or maybe skip the entire school year. Moving in with my father meant leaving Georgia and switching schools in my final year of high school. What worries me a lot about going to this school is that it is a private school. So, what is terrifying about going to a private school, you ask? Well, for starters, I don't know how to interact with rich kids. That's just it; I can't explain it further. Second, just being a new person makes you the talk of the town. So, yes, I'm afraid that being a transferee will pique the interests of the entire senior population. I just don't want any attention.

I walked into the bathroom and immediately stripped to take a shower. The shower became my favorite place in the house. The sensation of the steaming hot water combined with the vanilla-scented body wash was just so relaxing that I could stay in there forever.

I went out of the shower and jumped when I saw Amanda sitting on my bed.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to scare you." Her smile was wide and cheerful. Amanda reminds me a lot of my Mom; they both have sunny personalities. They have charming smiles on their faces all the time that make everyone feel happy and comfortable around them.

Anyway, that's how I will always remember my Mom. Her beautiful and angelic smile is my most beautiful memory of her that I will keep with me for the rest of my life.

Mom died while trying to give birth to my sister, who died a few minutes after she was born. Tragic. I know, considering that I was only eight years old when she died, I felt like everything around me collapsed.

If you think that was the end of my misery, you're wrong. That was just the start of my perfect world crashing down. My Dad left me with my Grandma a few days after my Mom died. I cried for days when I learned that my Dad was not returning. I refused to talk to him until he gave up. I've never talked to him ever since.

I was broken because he had left. Leaving me with self-doubt and with questions that only he can answer. It was awful to be under that circumstance at a very young age when you're still too young to comprehend all of the different kinds of emotions that are bursting inside of you.

I was fortunate that my Grandma was there for me the whole time. With Grandma by my side, the memories of my Mom dying and my Dad leaving slowly turned into a blur until one day those bad memories were mostly gone, and I started to live like normal again. My life slowly got better after that.

Although, I know that something had already changed in me. I'm not the same cheerful little girl that enjoyed what kids my age enjoy. I became more independent. I guess losing my entire family changed me.

My Grandma was the only one who loved me, took care of me, and made me whole again. She was my only family, which made me love her so much. But she died a few months ago, and now my life is back to being broken. I am numb. I don't know how to get past the sorrow of losing the only person who loved and cared for me so much.

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