Chapter 22

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A/N This part is very steamy and it might not be applicable for very young readers or for those of you who are easily offended with sexual content. Please read at your own risk.


We walked by the beach for a few meters until we reached a bar. It was large and was packed with people. I was nervous. This was my first time to go in a bar but Devin was holding my hand with ease my worry.

I noticed a few girls staring opening at him as we passed by, one girl even stopped and ogled him but Devin wasn't paying them much attention which was weird if you'd ask me. Knowing Devin, he would jump on every girl he sees, but I guess he was just being respectful to me since it was my birthday and he was the one who invited me to come here.

Devin guided to the bar's second floor. I was confused at first as to why he was taking me upstairs while the main bar and dance floor was downstairs until we entered the VIP area and saw Brooke with the rest of the Skellion guys.

"Oh my gosh! Brooke!"I ran towards her with an ear splitting smile on my face.

"Happy Birthday!" Brooked said and then gave me a once over. "You look amazing!"

"Thank you. You look sexy as hell!" Brooke was wearing a two piece red dress. The top was a lacy cropped top with low V-neckline and the bottom was a plain bandage skirt.

"This is for Liam-you know? I'm staying over at their beach house tonight..." Brooke looked at Liam and bit her lip.

Damn. Brooke knows to seduce his man.

"Hey, Sam. Happy Birthday!" Liam greeted me and gave me a peck on the cheek.

"Happy Birthday Sam." Alton was next to greet me and he too kissed me on the cheek. I saw Logan waiting behind Alton, grinning mischievously. I rolled my eyes when he came near me with both of his arms wide open.

"Happy Birthday Sam! Now that you're eighteen, would you do me the honours to deflower you?" I don't know how to respond. He knows that his crudeness makes me feel uncomfortable, that's why he played it up because it entertained him.

"How do you even know she's virgin? " Liam asked his brother.

"Dude, I know one when I see one. Plus, she smells like a virgin." Logan said smugly.

My mouth dropped open as I listen to them discussing my virginity right in front of me-and it was my birthday for god sake. I looked at Devin and he was just watching me.

Alton chuckled. "Who are you-the Virgin God? Someone who can smell the purity of a woman?"

"No. Idiot. I'm a cherrybuster!"Logan said proudly.

Liam, Alton, Devin and Brooke all laughed hard while I was rooted on my place. I wanted to leave the table but I was too stunned to move. A server came with our drinks and I was thankful that the conversation had move away from me and my virginity. Brooke and I got a cocktail, while the boys had beers. I don't know how did they managed to get a drink since we're all minors but I guess we shouldn't be doubting the Skellions' connections nor their capabilities.

I never had cocktail. I hadn't even had a beer but that would change tonight. I wanted to enjoy the night and be free for the first time in my life. I took a sipped of my drink and it taste sweet and bitter at the same time. I liked it.

After I finished my third glass, Devin moved in behind me, his hand settling on my lower back.

"Do you know your limits? If not, don't drink to much." Devin said, leaning down to my ear so he wouldn't have to yell. I looked at him and shook my head. I was feeling a bit tipsy already but I was enjoying myself.

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