Chapter 43 - Lighting up the fire

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The day I moved into the apartment, Devin started calling me. My phone rang constantly every hour for the next three days. Each time his name flashes on the screen reminded me of the emotionless Devin I saw at the beach house. 

He called every day. I didn't answer any of his calls. I couldn't. He left voice messages, each time pleading me to pick up the phone. "Baby please answer my call. I'm so sorry, please forgive me...I really miss you." 

I listened to each one and each time I hear his painful voice tears at the fragile stitches holding my resolve together.  

I couldn't face him. Not yet. I stayed away from school for a week, hiding from the world and trying to piece myself back together. Blake checked in on me often, bringing food and making sure I was okay. His presence was a comfort, a steady anchor in the storm of my emotions.

By the end of the week, I finally found the courage to go back to school. I knew I couldn't avoid Devin forever, but the thought of seeing him still made my heart race with anxiety. That morning, Blake was still in town and offered to drive me to school, but I insisted on taking the bus. I needed to reclaim some semblance of normalcy, to prove to myself that I could face this on my own.

I arrived at school very early to avoid bumping into Devin in the crowded halls. The library became my sanctuary. I stayed there, hidden among the rows of books, until the first bell rang and the hallways emptied. Only then did I slip into my classroom.

Brooke was there, and her face lit up when she saw me. "Sam! You're back! Where have you been? We missed you so much."

I forced a smile, the lie ready on my lips. "I had the flu. It was awful, but I'm better now."

Brooke hugged me, her concern genuine. "I'm so glad you're okay. But please don't lie to me I know what happened. Liam told me."

"oh..I'm sorry Brooke. But I...please, I don't want to talk about it." 

Brooke's expression softened, and she squeezed my hand. "I'm sorry, of course. I wasn't...I mean I was hoping you will tell me want happened but I understand. But know I'm here when you're ready to talk okay?" 

I took a deep breath, feeling a lump form in my throat. "Thanks, Brooke. I appreciate it. I just... I need some time to process everything. It's been really hard."

Brooke nodded, giving my hand another gentle squeeze. "Take all the time you need. I'm here for you, no matter what."

Throughout the day, I kept my head down, focusing on my classes and avoiding any chance encounters with Devin. It was exhausting, but I managed to get through the morning without seeing him. After my last class, I realised I had lost my phone. Panic surged through me as I retraced my steps, remembering the last place I had it—the library.

I hurried back, searching between the tall bookshelves where I had been that morning. As I was looking, I felt a hand grab my arm. I turned around sharply, my heart leaping into my throat. It was Devin.

"Sam," he said, his voice filled with desperation. "I've been trying to reach you. Let's talk please" He begged.

I pulled my arm away, my emotions a tangled mess. "Devin, I'm sorry but I can't do this right now." I turned to the side to move away he stepped closer, placing his hands on the shelves on either side of my waist. 

He was so close that I could smell his light musky cologne mixing with his minty breath. He looked exhausted, dark circles under his eyes suggesting he hadn't slept for days. A growing stubble shadowed his strong jawline, and his usually messy hair was messier than I had ever seen it. Despite his disheveled appearance, or perhaps because of it, he looked undeniably sexy. My heart ached with the familiar pull of attraction, and I fought the urge to reach out and caress his tousled hair, to offer him some comfort.

His eyes dropped from mine to my lips. In that instant, his liquid silver gaze transformed from pleading to something more intense, filled with desire. His confidence returned, and I could sense the shift in his demeanor.

"You're biting your lip," he whispered in a low, husky voice, the intensity in his eyes sending shivers down my spine.

Devin leaned in closer, and instinctively, I turned my head to the side, avoiding eye contact. I felt the tip of his nose graze the side of my neck, a shiver running through me at the intimate touch.

"I miss the sweet smell of you," he whispered, his breath warm against my skin. His right arm leaving the bookshelf as it moved down circling my hips, pulling me closer to him. I felt the sensations heightened on the tip of my breast as they touches his hard chest. An intoxicating mix of longing and pain swirled within me, making it difficult to think clearly. My hands were seconds away from pulling his face to mine, the urge to kiss him almost overpowering. I closed my eyes, fighting the surge of emotions his closeness brought. 

But then, the harsh reality of his words crashed over me. "All of this was just a game". His words echoed in my head and hit me like a tidal wave.

I opened my eyes, pushing back against the overwhelming tide of desire and betrayal. "All of this was just a game," I said, my voice trembling as I repeated the words he had spoken at the beach house.

Devin froze, his expression shifting from confident to one of guilt and pain.

"Sam, no... it's not like that. It never was. Believe me, please..." he pleaded, his eyes searching mine desperately for forgiveness. "What I feel for you is real. It's the most real thing I've ever known."

"Then why does it feel like it?" I countered, my voice breaking. "Why does it feel like one day you would open yourself to me, and then the next you'll push me away?"

He stepped back, running a hand through his messy hair in frustration. " I know I've made mistakes, and I'm so sorry for everything. The bet was stupid, and I regret it more than anything. I was an idiot, caught up in my own issues." 

He paused waiting for me to respond. I didn't. He reached for my hand and squeezed it. "I will explain but not here...come back with me at our apartment, please."

His words tugged at my heart, but the pain was still too raw. "Devin, I need time. I need to figure out if I can trust you again."

He nodded, his eyes filled with regret and sorrow. "I understand. I'll give you the time you need. Just know that I'll be here, waiting. I won't give up on us."

As he walked away, I felt a mix of relief and lingering sorrow. I knew that healing would take time, but I also knew that I needed to put myself first. For now, finding my own strength and clarity was the most important thing I could do.

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