Chapter 52: Into the spotlight...again

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The hair and makeup team were already waiting for me. They worked quickly, transforming my appearance with skilled hands. I tried to focus on the here and now, but my mind kept drifting back to Devin. His words echoed in my head, and I couldn't shake the feeling that this photoshoot was about more than just the campaign—it was like a test of my resilience.

"You're all set," the makeup artist said, snapping me back to reality. I looked in the mirror and barely recognised myself.  They have given my eyes a smokey dark look, and the contour on the side of my cheeks made me look like an actual model. The last time I wore make-up like this was when I had to do a photoshoot with Devin. That was just almost two years ago but I felt like I looked more mature now than before. 

"Here are your clothes." A lady said handing me a pair of blue jeans and a white ultra crop top. 

"Thanks," I said. I put the clothes on. The jeans fit perfectly but didn't like how it was sitting so low on my hips and the crop top was way too high sitting just below my boobs, exposing too much of my flat stomach. 

In the past couple of months, I had started hitting the gym and lifting weights. I loved the feeling of strength that came with it, and I had become a regular. My hard work had paid off, and I had gained a decent amount of muscle, especially in my legs and back.

The outfit highlighted my newly defined curves, and as I looked at myself in the mirror, I couldn't help but feel proud of the transformation. The reflection showed not just a physical change but a newfound confidence and strength. Despite the initial discomfort, I realized I liked what I saw. 

I made my way to the set, my heart pounding in my chest. The studio was bustling with activity again, everyone preparing for the next round of shots.

Devin was already there, looking effortlessly handsome in his jeans and with jersey and Victoria was with him. She was standing so close to him, brushing his hair with her fingers while saying something to him, which made Devin smile. 

Seeing Victoria and Devin together, and Devin smiling at her struck something in me..something painful. I was transported back to the night when Kathryn kissed him at the Skellion party. 

Devin looked up and saw me. He must have seen my reaction as his expression softened for a moment before he put on his professional mask. He hold my stare and I hold his, our eyes speaking with unspoken tension.

My eyes followed his hand as he touched Victoria's right hip before whispering something to her. Victoria nodded and left the room, glancing briefly in my direction before she exited.

To be fair, I didn't feel the same uneasy feeling toward Victoria that I once felt when I first saw Kathryn. One look at Kathryn, and you could tell she was trouble. Victoria was different. I couldn't quite pinpoint what it was, but she didn't have the same malicious aura that Kathryn exuded.

However, it was clear that she and Devin were close and had probably known each other for a while. Whether they were together or not, I couldn't be sure. But seeing them interact still affected me in ways I hated to admit. I think I was jealous.

As I stood there, watching Victoria leave, a wave of conflicting emotions washed over me. On one hand, jealousy gnawed at me. Seeing Devin with someone else, someone who seemed to fit seamlessly into his world, made my heart ache. I hated feeling this way, but I couldn't help it. The thought of him moving on, possibly finding happiness with Victoria, was like a dagger to my heart.

Yet, there was another part of me that was terrified. Letting Devin back into my life meant opening up old wounds, risking the pain and heartbreak I had worked so hard to overcome. I wasn't sure if I could handle that again. The fear of being hurt, of being vulnerable, made me want to run and hide. Devin had a way of breaking down my walls, of getting under my skin in a way no one else could.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 21 ⏰

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