Chapter 6 - Someone said I look like a cow

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Archer's POV

I couldn't forget Samantha's face when Mom finally introduced me to her. It was priceless! She was in total shock and couldn't utter a word. I was having a great time just watching her squirm in her seat. I was waiting for her to look at me, but her head stayed down the whole time.

My mom, on the other hand, was being extra bubbly tonight. I knew she was just happy because I finally had dinner with them. I could also sense that she was trying to ease the tension between me and George. It wasn't that effective, though. I hated everything about that man, and nothing could change that. Also, I was here for a completely different reason, one I'm pretty sure she wouldn't be happy about if she only knew.

"So, sweetheart, how was your first day at school?" Mom asked Samantha. She finally looked up from her plate and glanced toward me. When she realized I was watching her, she immediately turned back to Mom.

"I guess it was alright. Nothing much happened." A total lie. A lot of things happened.

"Didn't someone spill juice on your shirt?" I asked innocently. Samantha snapped her head toward me and gave me a murderous glare. I had been waiting for any kind of reaction from her since she took her seat across from me, and I finally got one.

"Oh, the boy who also lent you his shirt? Was he cute?" Mom asked, sounding like a teenager having a girl talk with her friend.

I'd love to hear what she's going to say next.

I smirked, and Samantha caught that. She rolled her eyes at me and turned to look in the opposite direction. I watched her grit her teeth. I knew she was trying to think of how to answer Mom's question. She looked very uncomfortable for a second, and then I saw her eyes light up as she turned to look at me with a smug smile on her face.

"I don't know. I guess he looks like a cow," she said.

I coughed hard, barely containing my laughter. I couldn't imagine anyone saying to my face that I looked like a cow.

Mom was laughing too. If only she knew Samantha was talking about me, she would force me to apologize to her, which was not going to happen.

"A cow?! Really? Did you hear him say 'moo'?" I asked, challenging her to continue.

She looked even angrier now, and I found it really amusing.

"He didn't. But he's got this big nose like a snout and he's wearing a huge bell on his neck," Sam said, looking directly at me. She didn't look afraid anymore; if anything, she looked like she wanted to punch me hard in the face. I liked that I was getting on her nerves because that meant I had an effect on her, which told me it was going to be easy for me to get through with my plan.

"Oh, sweetheart, you're so funny! I haven't laughed like this in a long time. Well, if you become friends with him, invite him over. I want to meet him," Mom said. She was fully entertained, while George remained silent, being the good prick he always was.

To my disappointment, Samantha went upstairs after dinner, saying she had a lot of homework to finish. But I decided to follow her; I needed to put my plan into action before Drew made his move on her first.

"Hey mom, I'm gonna head up to my room and crash. "

I went upstairs while our parents were watching TV downstairs. I knew my mom wouldn't let her stay in my room or Cassie's, so I went directly to one of the bigger guest rooms. I stood in front of the closed door, debating if I should knock, but I decided not to, which turned out to be an excellent idea because she left her door unlocked. I slowly opened the door and peeked inside, but she wasn't there. Then I heard the shower running in the bathroom.

She's having a shower. Just perfect!

Hey all, I'm still new to this but I am hoping that you like what you've read so far. I'm trying to update as fast as I could coz I'm going on a holiday next month. I don't schedule updates for now, since I've been writing this story most of the time.

The next chapter is almost complete so I might publish it by tomorrow! Yay!

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Anna xx

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