Chapter 28

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After saying goodbye to Blake, Devin drove him off to the airport. It was the perfect timing to prepare my birthday present for him. I want to surprise him so when he asked me to come with them to the airport, I refused gaining a grunt from him and a sexy winked from Blake.

It was already past eight and I was all alone in the beach house waiting for Devin to return. I've already decided what to give him as present, which was the reason I was trembling. My main issue was rejection. What I decided to do was way out of my comfort zone that's why rejection is not an option.

I was in the room upstairs when I heard Devin arrived. As soon as I heard the sound of his footsteps taking the stairs one at a time, my heart started beating erratically. I rushed to the bathroom, brush my hair in one quick sweep, sprayed a little bit of my favourite perfume. I checked myself in the mirror, tightened my silky robe and inhaled deeply.

You can do this, Sam. You can do this. I repeated to myself over and over until I heard the door. I rushed to the bathroom to check myself.

I heard a knocked on the bathroom door.


"Be right there!"

I finally got out of the bathroom, my knees were shaking as I slowly walk my way towards the bed where Devin was sitting. He was looking down to his phone, texting and noticed that he was just on his boxers.

"Ahem" I said to get his attention without saying his name. Devin looked up and immediately threw his phone on the bedside table.

"Hey." He smiled and then scrunched his eyebrows when I didn't move from where I was standing. "Is everything okay?"

"Uh...yeah...I was just..." I stuttered.

"Are you nervous?"

"No." I lied.

"Then why are you acting like you're about to take you clothes off?" Devin smirked.

This is my chance.

"Because...I am taking them off." I said, as I slowly untied my robe. The silky material slide all the way down to my feet, revealing my trembling body in just a pair of black lacy underwear. "Happy Birthday, Devin."

Devin's jaw dropped, he didn't move nor speak in a few seconds which made me very nervous. I saw his Adam's apple bobbled as he looked at me from head to toe.

I started walking towards him and as I moved much closer to where he was sitting, I saw how his eyes changed from looking extremely surprised to now, where they're burning with desire. I stopped when I was finally in front of him. He was still not saying a word but he opened his legs wider so I can stand between them and I felt both of his hands behind my calves. I felt heat rushed in between my legs when his fingers started grazing my skin behind my knees and then up to my thighs until he cupped my behind. I hold on to his shoulders for balance when he pushed me closer towards him, his face was now levelled to my hips which increased the fire burning inside of me. His nose grazed the inside of my thigh and went up in the middle of my panties.

"You smell so fucking amazing. Are you sure about this?" He said looking up to me.


"Fine. You better be ready, baby because I'm taking all of you tonight."

My legs almost gave up on me when his tongue started to rolled up in the inside of my thighs until it reached the apex. His fingers hooked the side of my underwear and slowly lowered it down while keeping his eyes on me and let my underwear fell on the floor.

"Aaahhh..." I moaned when I felt his tongue slide on my bear skin in the middle of my thighs.

"Open you legs for me, baby." He whispered. I obeyed and moved my thighs further apart. Devin hold on to my thighs while he continued his assault on my vagina, kissing and nibbling on it. Soon enough I felt my weakened knees gave up on me the second time.

Devin slid down the floor, his back on the foot of my bed. He looked up to me and crooked his finger telling me to come closer. Placing my legs on either side of his thighs, I stand in front of him nervously, I don't have any idea on what he's going to do next. He grabbed the back of my knees, pulled them apart until my legs were wide open, slightly bent down on the knee and then he pulled me down until I was sitting on his face.

"What are you doi..." I started to asked but stopped when Devin started licking my vagina, hitting my clit in every slide of his wet tongue. My insides went crazy as he continued his assault making me extremely wet. Soon enough I felt an urgent need of his member inside of me. He tightly grabbed my behind pressing me down further. I was so turned on that I wanted more. My hips started to move to every direction where I wanted to feel his tongue. I felt his tongue slide down on that sensitive area before it reached my anus and I went crazy. It felt so good and I know I'm coming pretty soon so I started grinding harder on his face. I heard Devin's deep growled and his rhythm goes faster.

"Just like that. Please...please aaah...don't stop I'm coming..." I closed my eyes as waves of extreme pleasure hit me. It was nothing I'd felt before. My knees wobbled and Devin immediate catches me by my behind and guided me to sit on his lap. I felt the bulged on his boxers and I got really excited.

I put my hand on top of his boxer and slowly stroked the bulge.

"Maybe it's time to take care of this little guy?" I asked Devin seductively.

He smirked.

"Little guy? Sorry to disappoint you but you haven't seen this one yet."


Hey guys,
So sorry, I know the updates are really slow. I've been very busy with school and work and I'm not really motivated to write because of that. However, I still want to finish this book, so please show me some love ❤️

Don't forget to vote, share and comment!

Anna xx

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