Chapter 21

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It's been a couple of weeks since Drew left for Paris and I'm slowly getting back to my feet. Thanks to Devin continued to being really supportive. In fact he was incredibly and unbelievably nice. I couldn't believed how our relationship went from hating each other to enjoying each others company so much that we were almost inseparable. I ride with him to school every morning, we eat lunch together with the rest of the guys, we drive home together everyday after school, eat dinner together, hangout and watch t.v, well except for those nights that he had to meet up with Logan doing God knows what. What surprised me was he stopped bringing girls in the house anymore, although I know that his sex life was still very much existent, knowing Devin he won't live without sex for too long.

"Where are we going?" I asked excitedly as I followed him to his car. It was Saturday morning, and it's my eighteenth birthday. Devin woke me up this morning and demanded me to shower and dress up in ten minutes and said we're going somewhere.

"It's a surprise." Devin said looking impish and smug, that sent warning bells in my head.

"God, I hate surprises! Especially if it's from you Devin Archer!" I exclaimed. Don't get me wrong, for the past few weeks Devin and I got a long really well and I'd learn to trust him but sometimes he does things that I find a bit weird to me like today. I guess, I just wasn't expecting him to go this far and give me a surprise for my birthday.

"You'll love it, promise-but like I said it's a surprise so you just have to trust me, okay?" He stopped in front of the passenger side of his car and gazed at me with a playful smile, he looked annoyingly sexy which made me blushed.

"Fine! But if it's anything that's going to embarrass me in any way-I swear to hunt you down, Archer!"

"Sure, My warrior princess." Devin bowed his head mockingly before opening the door for me. I blushed when I realised that he just called me his warrior princess. I know it was part of his joke but it still affected me in someway.

As soon as I got in the car, the heady perfume of leather and Devin's scent hit my nostrils. I closed my eyes and breath in deeply, I felt my body warming all over. Devin opened his side of the door and slid to the driver's seat next to me. He pulled out his black Ray-bans before pulling out of the drive way. His thick black hair was brushed backwards, showing the under cut on the sides of his head. His colourful sleeve tattoo that was showing underneath his white v-neck t-shirt made him looked like a sexy rock star. I know that he's my stepbrother but I can't help my thoughts sometimes. It easier to noticed the good sides of him, now that we're getting a long really well.

After minutes of driving into the Pacific Coast Highway, the sight of the beach came up. I was admiring the view of the beach, as the waves crashed into the sand. My eyes widen in excitement as I realized that we're pulling into the beach's parking lot. I was expecting him to bring me in a restaurant or someplace else, instead he brought me to the beach where I'd been wanting to go since I arrived in California.

Devin took his shades off revealing his liquid grey eyes. "Surprised?" Devin asked smiling.

"Well, what do you know? Devin Archer has a romantic side in him." I joked.

Devin scooted towards me until our face were a few inches away. "Shh...that's a secret.Don't tell anyone." He whispered and winked. I felt goosebumps all over my body as the heat from his minty breath touched my skin. He exited the car leaving my face flaming.

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