Chapter 13

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They say a man who lives fully is not afraid of death. Let me tell you, that ain't me. I'm just turning eighteen in two months. I never had a boyfriend, sorry scratch that, I do have a boyfriend now but seriously I still want to live a long and happy life and explore the world. I can't believe just how stupid I am for getting in the devil's car and trusted my life to him knowing that he could drive us to hell.

Devin made a sharp left in full speed and I almost peed my pants. If we don't die crashing, I bet I'll die from a heart attack.

"Devin, slow down or you'll kill us both!" I screamed. I know that tonight's revelations had brought him so much pain, but that doesn't change the fact the he was still a jerk and I don't want to have my last hour on earth with him.

"Devin! Please, slow down!  You're scaring me! Pleease..." I started to feel dizzy. I couldn't breath, it felt as if someone was choking me. I tried to speak again but something was blocking my throat and then I felt my tears started falling down my cheeks. I hated that he had to see me crying but I couldn't stop these tears from falling anymore.

"Stop please..."I said hopelessly like I was begging him to spare my life.

I felt the car slowly reduced its speed and like in rhythm with his car my breathing slowed down and went back to normal as the car went into a full stop. I felt so weak that I couldn't feel my hands and feet anymore.

"Are you trying to kill us both?!"

"Well, I told you I'm going to hell, didn't I?" He smirked.

How can he still be calm and collected after that ride was beyond my comprehension. While I looked like a mad woman with my hair everywhere, Devin looked like he just had a good workout. He's got a pink glow on his cheeks and his lips were moist, while his thick black hair was disheveled in a sexy way.

"Don't you know it's rude to stare?"

"Huh?" I blinked and lifted my eyes back up to see a smirk on his lips. "I wasn't starring." I stuttered.

"Oh yeah? That's interesting considering I've been watching you ogling me for more than a minute now."

My face heated and I knew my face was all red. He'd caught me ogling him. That was really embarrassing considering I was screaming my lungs out on him a few minutes ago for driving recklessly.

"Cat got your tongue?"

" Arrrgh. You're really annoying! I'm not talking to you anymore!"

I decided that it's better to face and talk to the window than to an egomaniac prick. I looked outside and I had no idea where we were. Devin was quiet. I was tempted to look his way just to know what was he doing but I don't want him to think that I am ogling him again, but the silence in the car was making me more uncomfortable so I decided to look back to him.

Devin didn't move from his seat,  he's looking straight to the road while his hands were tightly holding the steering wheel. I noticed his knuckles have bruises and cuts that were bleeding. I'd like to think that it must be from the broken glasses back in their house but I had the feeling that he got it from somewhere else. I might be really angry at him for driving without a care for his life nor mine, but I don't normally let my anger control me, so when I saw his bleeding knuckles my being a community service volunteer kicked in.

I touched his hands and he looked at me in surprise.

"You're bleeding." I said pertaining to his hands. I took my robe off and pressed it on his hands putting pressure on his bleeding knuckles. Devin's eyes bounced back between my hands and my face. I looked up to him and I couldn't read his expression. It's like he had put a mask on that covered his entire face which made it hard for me or to anyone to know what was he thinking, or feeling.

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