Chapter 23

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A/N Mature content towards the end of this chapter.

The annoying buzzing of my phone woke up me the next morning. I forced myself to open my heavy eyelids and as soon as the light from the outside hit my eyes, waves after waves of nausea hit me. I groaned and shut my eyes again as I tried reaching for my phone.

"Hellll-o..." I answered groggily and I tasted the bitterness in my dry mouth.

"Get ready. We'll be there in five to pick you up." Brooke's high pitched voice rang in my ear giving me a terrible headache, it felt like my head was splitting in half.

"No...I still want to sleeeep..."

"Remind me not to get you drunk next time. Seriously, if you're not ready in four minutes, we'll drag you outside!"

"Ugh...fine. Just stop talking. My head hurts."

"Fine. See you in a bit. We're almost there."

I groaned as I forced myself up to go to the bathroom. I splashed cold water on my face and gargled a mouth wash to wash out the bitter taste in my mouth. I don't have any clothes with me so I kept the dress that I wore last night.

Last night. Last night was-like a game changer for me. Devin's kisses and touch had kindle feelings inside me that I didn't now existed until last night. His kisses were never like Drew's-they were wild, hungry and passionate, sending senses into a bliss-the touch from his fingers ignited a spark inside of me that travels down my body like an electric currents. I don't exactly know what I feel towards Devin but what I want right now was him to kiss me and touch me again. But I don't know if that's even possible. From the look on his face last night after realizing what we've done and how fast he left me, I knew he didn't want to have anything to do with me anymore.

"Where are the others?" I asked Brooke when she arrived with Liam. She's wearing a pair of pink two piece bikini. It had a halter top bikini top with laces. It looked really feminine but sexy at the same time.

"They're already outside swimming. By the way, here's my present." Brooke said excitedly, handing me a paper bag. My eyes widen when my hands caught what was inside the bag.

"Two piece bikini?"

"It's pretty isn't? Come on put it on so we can go. They're waiting for us."

"Uh-uh. I'm not wearing this." Brooke's present was a white bikini top and bikini brief bottom with side ties.

"We're not leaving until you put that on. You can use these if you want." Brooke gave me a white see-through cover up and a pair of denim shorts. As if that would help cover my body. "Come on, Sam. It's your birthday! Have fun! Live a little. Pleeease."

It wasn't just wearing the bikini that I was worried about. I am more afraid of seeing Devin again. I'm worried that what happened last night destroyed everything between us-but I guess, if I come with them and act in front of Devin like nothing happened, or that I wasn't affected from what happened last night, maybe he won't take it seriously too and things won't change between us.

"Fine. I'll go."

As we got closer to the beach, I already saw Logan on his beach shorts playing beach volleyball with an asian girl with big boobs. She's in a tight two piece red bikini, her chest bouncing everywhere  as she ran after the ball. We stopped near behind four beach chairs lined up with umbrella in between them and my eyes instantly went to Devin. Even though his back was on me, his colourful sleeve tattoo told me it was him.  He was sitting on the  beach chair, a girl on his lap and her arms wrapped around his neck. She got bright pink hair and a piercing on the side of her nose.  Like the asian girl, her breast was huge, bouncing around while she was talking to him animatedly. Her triangle bikini top didn't do much justice to cover half of her breast. I saw Devin brushed her hair away from her shoulder, the girl leaned down towards him, her boobs almost touched face as he whispered something to her. The girl giggled and ran down a hand to his chest. I bit my lip, holding my back my tears, the scene in front of me was making my chest hurts. I am still hurting from how fast he left me after we shared that kiss, but seeing him right now with a girl on his lap ripped my heart into pieces. I just wanted to turn back and go back to the house.

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