Chapter 20

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It Monday, the day I've been dreading to come since the great Sumus Virtus Annual Party. Drew's leaving in a couple of hours. He's been calling and texting me since Saturday night but I never pick up nor reply. I made my decision of ending our relationship last Saturday night when Drew's secret engagement and him leaving the country blew out right to my face.

I made my way downstairs and smelled the strong but heavenly aroma of coffee. Devin was already there casually leaning back in his chair, drinking his coffee.

"You're up early." I said.

"I'm meeting up with Logan."

"Oh." Was all I could say. Devin stood up and went to the coffee maker and poured another cup of coffee. He put some milk on it and half a teaspoon of sugar.

"Coffee?" He passed me the cup. I thank him and smiled. I was surprised that he remembered how I like my coffee.

"So, do you want a ride to school?" He asked. First the coffee and then now he wanted to give me a ride to school? This was overly nice. Was he possessed?

"I'm fine. Thanks though, I can take the bus like what I used to." I felt the heaviness in my chest as I remembered Drew. I was sad that we ended up like this. He was such an amazing guy and he was the right guy for me, I knew it but unfortunately I was not the right girl for him.

"I'll take you. I'm leaving in a couple of minutes anyway." Devin broke me out of my thoughts.

"Uh...okay. Thanks."

Devin went outside and I followed him to his car. He turned his cd on and the music of Coldplay filled the car. We drove in silence until the song "Fix you" came up.

When you try your best, but you don't succeed
When you get what you want, but not what you need
When you feel so tired, but you can't sleep
Stuck in reverse

The first verse of the song was just perfect to digging into my fresh wounds. I didn't know that the second verse was even worse.

And the tears come streaming down your face
When you lose something you can't replace
When you love someone, but it goes to waste
Could it be worse

And just like what the lyrics of the song says, tears started streaming down my face. I turned my face away from Devin and looked at the window, occasionally wiping my cheeks. I felt the car stopped and felt a hand on top of mine.

"Hey. Come here." Devin wrapped his around my shoulder and pulled me close.

Lights will guide you home
And ignite your bones
And I will try to fix you.

That one simple gesture made the walls that hold me up collapsed. I let myself sunk into the warmth of Devin's side as my tears poured down my face, heavily. I felt like this song was written for me, for this moment, and Devin was singing it to me, although in reality he never said anything. He just held me in silence which I like. I don't know if Devin is capable of fixing anyone else when he has himself to fix, but right at that moment the comfort of his hug was enough to ease my pain. After few moments, I stopped crying and as much as I wanted to stay in his arms, I knew it wasn't right to use him for comfort. He never left my side since last Saturday night, and letting myself drowned in his embrace was too much.

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