Chapter 37

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It's been three days since I last saw Devin, and he still had not called or messaged me. I should be angry at him for not letting me know where he is or if he's okay, but I'm not. All I wanted was to see him or know he was okay. I'm sure he has his reasons for leaving. But, whatever it was, I felt sad that I wasn't there for him.

For the past three days, I took the bus to school. Liam, Alton, and even Logan offered to pick me up, but I refused. Taking the bus helps me feel like I'm not missing something. It brings me back to those days before Devin started taking me to school. Back when Devin was ignoring me and when he wasn't part of my life. No, I'm not trying to forget Devin. But trying to get back to my life without him helps me not think about how he was ignoring my calls.

Our photoshoot photos were being re-posted on Facebook. I'm sure everyone has seen it by now. I stopped logging on to Facebook because my account was flooded with messages. Girls were messaging me, calling me by different names. The guys were either asking me out, inviting me to a party or sending me their photos with and without their clothes.

I placed my hands on the doors of my history class and opened them, expecting to be greeted by an empty classroom like usual. Instead, the room is half full with my classmates talking in groups. I paused at the door, looking for Brooke, but I couldn't see her.

I sighed as I entered the room quietly, not wanting to attract unwanted attention from anyone. I knew that everyone in the school had seen my photoshoot with Devin by now.

I was a few rows away from my chair when someone slipped his arm through mine and pulled me on his side. "Whatcha doin tonight, babe?" Luke Collymore from the swim team asked. I could hear his friends discreetly laughing behind me.

"Get your arms off me." I said and tried to push him away from me, but he didn't bulge.

"Oh, come on, Sam. Is there anyone already in the queue?" He asked in his most crude voice.

"Fuck off!" I said as I pushed him harder this time. Finally, he released his hold on me as he stumbled backwards. I heard him murmur something to his group of friends, and they all laughed.

I continued to walk towards my chair, but I stopped when Nadia cut in front of me and sat on my chair. "If it isn't Archer's whore." She grins. Despite the foul words that came out of her mouth, her face remains contrastingly sweet.

I bit my bottom lip hard to prevent myself from lashing out at her and said, "That's my chair."

"Don't you and Archer live in the same house since your his stepsister? So why are you taking the bus then? Where's Archer?" She asked innocently.

I know Nadia was provoking me, so although there's nothing in this world that I want to do but to punch her in the face, I've decided to turn around and leave the class before this got ugly.

"I know it's a matter of time before he leaves you. I just didn't expect it to be this soon." Nadia screamed behind me. I felt the whole class stiffened, waiting for the next thing she would say.

I stopped near the doorway, clenching my fist, contemplating turning around and jumping on her. But, instead, I sighed and opened the door.

"Tell me, Sam, Archer has already fucked you, didn't he?" Nadia continued. This time, I heard her behind me. I didn't know when she got up from her chair to follow me. "Actually, no. You didn't need to answer that. We all know Archer won the bet."

Bet? What bet?

I turned around and stood face to face with Nadia. "What the hell are you saying?"

Nadia laughed. "Oh my god! You didn't know? He didn't tell you?"

I'm not liking Nadia's look right now and where this is going, but I continued to ask. "Tell me about what?"

"OMG, I can't believe this! You seriously don't know? Archer made a bet with Logan that he could get you to bed!" Nadia's face almost split in half from smiling.

I felt my chest tighten from hearing Nadia's words. I know it's not true. Devin will never do that to me. I know he feels something for me, and he'll never do anything to hurt me intentionally. "That's not true! Leave me alone, bitch!" I said and stepped out of the room.

"Asked Liam, he knows about it too!" Nadia shouted behind me.

My legs started to feel heavy, but I continued to walk in the long hallway, doubling my steps to get into the front door as soon as I could. I couldn't breathe and needed to get outside as quickly as possible. I continued to walk when I got out of the building.

Nadia's words occupied my thoughts, so I didn't pay much attention to where I was going. Instead, I followed where my feet were taking me.

Archer has already fucked you, didn't he?

We all know Archer won the bet

We all know Archer won the bet

...Archer won the bet

Nadia's words echoed in my head.

No, that's not true. Devin will not do that to me. I keep telling myself, hoping to stop Nadia's words from clouding my judgement. I need to speak to Devin and hear him say that these are not true. But I realised Devin wasn't here and he wasn't answering my calls. I felt my chest tighten and felt like someone had abandoned me again. The rain came as if intended to wash down the pain I was feeling and cleanse my mind until I was ready to face what was waiting for me with fresh eyes. I felt my phone vibrating in my bag. A feeling of hope brought me back to the present, wishing it was Devin trying to contact me. I ran into a covered bus stop at the nearest pavement, grabbed my phone inside my bag with my wet hands, and answered the call without checking the caller.


"Crumpet, it's me. I'm in your school looking for you. Where are you?"

"Blake? I'm not in school. I'm a bus stop three blocks away from the school."

"What are you doing there? Nevermind. Stay there, okay? I'll come and get you."

"Okay." I said. I waited for Blake at the bus stop. I hugged myself as the cold wind bites my moist skin. Finally, a black range rover stopped, and Blake went out the driver's side with an umbrella.

"Jesus! What were you doing, Crumpet?" Blake's eyes were filled with worry as he scanned me from head to toe. I know I must've looked horrible with my wet hair and soaked clothes and shoes. "You look like a lost kitty...a cute one, though." He smiled. I smiled and shook my head. Even on my worst day, Blake can still make me smile.

"Come on. Let's get you dry, Kitty." Blake placed his arm around my shoulder and shared his big black umbrella as we walked back to his range rover. He opened the passenger seat, and I hopped in. Blake turned the heater on as soon as he started the car, and I think him for it.

"Why are you here, anyway?" I finally asked him.

" I was bored in London." He responded and then turned to me, leaving his eyes on the road. "And I also have a feeling you're going to need your prince back." He smiled and winked before turning back to the road.

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