Chapter 30

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It was already 10 in the morning and we're still in bed, making out.
Well, it all started when I woke up at 8:30 am and was trying not to wake up Devin as I tried to entangled myself from his tight hold. I stood up when I had successfully freed my body from his embraced only to be pulled back by strong arms back to the bed and on top of him.

"Where do you think you're going?" He said as he nozzles the side of my neck and hands stayed firmly on the side of my hips.

"I'm just going to the toilet...uhhh." I started to say but stopped when I felt his hot wet lips on my neck.

"What were you saying again?" He asked teasingly while kissing and nipping on my neck.

His hands went down my bare thighs while his lips travelled to my jaws, then to my chin until it reaches my lips. We kissed passionately like we did last night, his hand travelling on every part of my body.

We heard a phone ringing and Devin groan when he realised that it was his phone. He reached it from the side table and rolled his eyes.

"It's the fuck nut." He said and pressed on cancel. He licked his lips and smiled devilishly at me. "Shall we continue?" He said and pulled my hips back to his. We started kissing again when we heard his phone rings again.

"What the fuck Blake?!" Devin answered his phone but stopped, his eyes widening. I heard Blake ranting on the other line.

"Devin, what's going on?" I asked in panic as Devin threw his phone on the bed and stood up going to the door. I knew something's wrong. "Dev..." I froze holding the sheets in front of my naked body when the door flew open revealing Amanda with a wide smile on her face. Her sweet smile immediately turned into a frown when she saw me on the bed.

"Sam? What are you..." Amanda started to ask but stopped when he saw his son standing behind the door wearing only his boxers.
Her turned from Devin to me, her eyes widening as she begin to realise what was happening. "Oh my god." She whispered and threw her hand to cover her mouth.

"Mom, we can explain..." Devin said as he walked closer to a pale and frozen Amanda who looks like she's going into shock.

"Mom..." Devin gently touched his mothers arms. Amanda flinched, narrowing her eyes to her son and then to me. I felt like someone threw a bucket of ice cold water on top of my head when I saw the hurt and disappointment written all over her face.

I was ashamed. She trusted me and I ruined it.

I lost the courage to look straight in her eyes so I just looked down to my shaky hands that were tightly holding the blanket against my naked chest.

"I want both of you downstairs in five minutes." I heard her say and then heard the door slammed.

"Holy shit." I whispered in fear. It doesn't take a genius to know what's happening between me and Devin. I'm sure Amanda is used to barging into Devin's room and seeing a girl on his bed but seeing her naked stepdaughter in her son's bed is a different scenario where I'm pretty sure she had never expected to see.

Then, I realised that my Dad must be downstairs too. I'm sure Amanda will tell him about what she saw since this involves both of their children.

Now, that is why I am absolutely terrified. My Dad will go ballistic.

"Hey, don't worry. It will be alright. I got you." I felt the bed dipped and saw Devin's warm eyes. He seemed very calm. How can he be very cool and collected at this situation is beyond me.

Devin grabbed his t-shirt and track pants from last night and started to put them on. "Stay here. I'll go talk to them."

"My Dad's going to kill you." I said as I studied those liquid grey eyes for his reaction. But his eyes didn't moved, not even a flicker.

"He can try."

"Devin, I'm serious." I said

Devin sighed and kissed my forehead.

"I'll be fine. Now, why don't you put something on before he come up here and see you naked in my bed?" He smirked.

I narrowed my eyes at him. "That's not funny."

Devin bit his lower lip as he tried to hold a grin.

"I'm sorry. I just wanted to lighten the mood for a bit. You're stressing out. Stop over thinking this." He touched my chin with one hand and lift it up so I could look at him straight in the eyes. When I my eyes were finally levelled to his, he scooted closer dropping his hands on either side of my body. His eyes were serious and I can't look away from those hypnotic grey eyes.

"Our parents won't be very happy, but what are they going to do about it?" he said that with so much confidence that I believed him.

"I won't let George neither my mom take you away from me. You're mine now. All mine."


Awww Devin! So possessive are we?
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Thanks heaps!

Anna xx

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