Chapter 35

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After shopping, Devin drove us back to his apartment instead of the Archer's. Whilst, we've spoken to our parents, and Devin had made his amends with his Mom and my Dad, he doesn't want to stay at the Archer's while our parents were there.

"Move in with me." He said all of a sudden. We were on the couch, watching tv on his big flat screen. His arm was on my hips while I leaned on his shoulder.

I shifted in my comfortable position to look at him. "What did you just say?" I asked. I wasn't sure if I heard him correctly.

Devin's hand started to caress my calf, slowly moving up to my thigh. "I said, I want you to move in and live here with me," He said casually like he's just asking me if I want milk and sugar in my coffee.

"I don't know, Devin. I..." I tried to tell him that I didn't think that was a good idea. But I got lost for words as his hand reached my waist. His finger started slowly trailing the hem of my cotton shorts and continued its torturous descent south. As his burning fingers reached the inside of my thighs, leaving blazing trails on my skin.

"I'm waiting, Sam. What's your answer?" His lips slightly touched my ear as he whispered. His hand is now inside my shorts, his palm slowly rubbing that sensitive part in the middle of my thighs.

"I...I don't think it's a....ahhh" I tilted my head back and moaned as his finger plunged into me.

"Fuck, I love it when you are so wet for me, baby." He groaned and inserted another finger.

My eyes rolled back at the back of my head as he pulled in and out of me. His fingers were circling and hooking to that spot that would send me in orgasm soon. His other hand lifted the hem of my shirt, and cupped one of my breasts

My body started convulsing as I panted his name loudly. "Devin...please," I said, begging for release.

"You haven't answered my question yet, baby." His thumb pressed on my clit as his other fingers continued their assault. I was hyperventilating. I needed him to give me my release.

"Yes! I'll move in with you. Now please..." I begged.

His fingers picked up speed. I lifted my hips just a little and moved back and forth in a grinding motion as I got closer to my release. "Yes...just like that...Aaahh..." I finally said as I reached my peak.

I slumped to Devin's chest, panting. "You never play fair..." I murmured.

"No,  I don't." Devin smiled devilishly before kissing me. He paused. When he opened his eyes, they were filled with emotions that promises protection and more..."Thank you. I promise, you won't regret this, Sam."

We continued watching tv while talking about getting my stuff from the Archer's and also to talk to our parents about our plan of living together. I realised this might be the right time to ask him about his brother.  I want to know what happened to him. I just know Devin is still hurting because of his death and I want to help him. But I can only help him if he'll let me in.

Although, he made a huge effort of fixing his issues with my dad and his mom, I still feel there are other things bothering him. Things that he doesn't want to share with me. I'm not sure if it's unintentional but he never shared anything about his past to me.

"Can I ask you a question?" I asked carefully.


"What happened to your brother?"

His hold on to my waist tightened and I felt his whole body tensed.

"Who told you about Toby?"

Toby? His brother's name is Toby? It was him. I heard Devin screamed his name one night when he was asleep.

"Your mom, she mentioned he died two years ago?"

Devin's eyes dropped on the floor as he nodded.

"He died in a car accident. He's in his senior year. I was a sophomore." Devin turned his back on me leaving me on the sofa. He reached for his phone on the coffee table and started browsing it.

"I'm hungry! Let's order Chinese. Is that okay with you?" He asked without looking at me, he's probably searching for the Noodle House's phone number. But it's obvious he's dodging this conversation, he doesn't want to talk to me about his brother. I thought maybe our relationship went into a much deeper level, that there maybe be chance he will open up to me now. I am disappointed, but I guess deep down I knew he will not talk to me about it because I know he still doesn't trust me enough. It hurts, but right now, there's no point of pressing him to talk to me, he's far away and closed off so I have to let this go. I just hope when he's ready, or when he finally trusts me he'll let me know what happens to his brother.

"I love Chinese..." I simply said.

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