Chapter 29

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"Little guy? Sorry to disappoint you but you haven't seen this one yet."

My eyes travelled to his bare torso and noticed how his lean and toned shoulders taper down to a narrowed waist, which in turn give way to that sexy V that sinks below where his boxer hang. He looks absolutely perfect.

"Sorry. I didn't mean..." I stopped as my eyes involuntary travelled further down stopping in the middle of his boxers where I can see a bulge of his member. My eyes widen in shocked.

I guess my eyes aren't that innocent anymore.

I blinked a few times before looking back up to Devin. He smirked and raised his eyebrow at me in question.

"So, what were you saying again about this little guy?" Devin asked. His eyes bore with so much intensity that I can feel its heat on my bare skin. I bit my lip, feeling more nervous as to what awaits for me.

He's huge.

"How? How...would would that..." My eyes were fixated in the middle of his boxers that I didn't realised that I was babbling.

"How would I what, Samantha?" Hearing him say my name slowly rolling off his tongue was like a spell that tells me to shift my attention back to his face.

"Are you scared?" Devin asked and I shook my head from side to side.

"You have this one last chance to walk away, Sam." Devin warned as he searched my eyes with his dark drugged with desire and lustful ones. I knew when I look at those eyes that there's no going back.

"I want you. I'm not walking a...."

Before I could finish my sentence, Devin grabbed my waist with one hand and smashed his body into mine. His mouth on went into mine in a slow, tormenting kiss while his other hand went to the back of my head. His lips travelled to the side of my face and found the spot just under my jaw line. I soft moan escaped my lips followed by strangled cry as I felt him tugged my hair down exposing the length of my neck. I lose my self to him as I felt the searing heat from the little explosions detonating on my neck from where his lips touched. I felt my him slowly lowering my body down to the bed as his mouth travelled further down to my shoulder blades then teased on its way down to the valley between my breast before closing over the tight bud of my nipple. I cried out in ecstasy as he lathed my breast, sucking it into his hot, wet mouth. His hand assaulted my other breast, rolling my nipple between his thumb and forefinger-blurring the fine line between pleasure and pain.
His hand left my breast and I felt his hand on the back of my leg, moving and opening my leg wide. He stopped his assault and I looked up. I sucked in a breath in anticipation when I saw him kneeling in between my thighs, one hand on his fully erect penis with the condom on.

"You don't know how long I waited for this, Sam." He growled. "But I want to hear the words coming from your own lips that you want this. One last time, tell me that you really want this."

Devin looked pained as he waited for my answer. I searched his eyes and noticed that they looked different. They were glazed with lust but something else was there too, like a raw emotion that I haven't seen before. I bit my bottom lip, and watched him as he lays his length against my cleft. He stills, and I looked up to meet his eyes. "Please, Devin. I want you....inside me."

"Fuck." I heard him cursed and felt the tip of his shaft slowly penetrate inside me. "You are so fucking wet for me. It would be hard not to just slip right in but I promise to take it slow."

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