Chapter 31

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Devin's POV

"Where is Sam?" Mom asked. Her eyes laced with fear and worry.

"In my room." I replied casually. George's nose flared and I could see that he's trying to keep his composure even if he's obviously losing it.

"I told her to stay there while I talk to you both." I look to my mom and then to the prick. "So, let's cut the chase. Sam and I are dating."

"No." I heard George say. 

I quickly turned to him. "Why not? I don't see any problem with it since we're both crazy about each other."

"You can't have her. Not Sam." Was all George's reply. Poor guy. He looks like his tongue has been pulled to the back of his throat which stopped him from uttering a complete sentence.

"Well, sorry to disappoint you but I just did. I slept with her last night." The look of horror on the gold digger's face was so good to see that I couldn't help the grin on my lips. He caught that and his eyes widen in anger.  I was enjoying watching the gold digger's face turned with suppressed rage and didn't expect him to lunged into me thus he caught my jaw with a punch. My head went to the side from the impact.

That fucking hurts.

"You son of a..." I saw his fist coming right back to me the second time and I quickly dodged it and was able to pushed him back instead. He stumbled behind my crying mother. Both of her hands were on his chest, pleading him to stop.

"Son of a what?!" I challenged him. "Are you just about to call your wife a bitch?" In that moment of anger I'd say anything, whatever was most hurtful, whatever would give me the most satisfying victory even hurting my own mother. I saw the prick's hands balled into tight fist.

"Get out." I heard my mom said carefully, her words had an air of finality to them. I looked at her and her eyes were red in tears but hurt were in them too.

I turned around ready to leave when I saw Sam coming down from the stairs. She walks into the room like the floor will give out under her tiny body. Every step was so light that she made no sound at all. I know that she was afraid yet still she comes, walking softly forwards.

"Devin?" Her voice was shaky. I saw her looked between the three of us, her mouth pursed but slightly open and loose when she saw my crying mother and her very angry father.

"Sam, let's go." I told her. I know that getting his daughter away from prick will hurt him more, and that's what I want. I want to see the pain in his eyes when her daughter chooses me.

"You're not going anywhere with him!" George commanded his daughter.

"I'm waiting Sam." I told her. I know I'm being selfish for having her choose between me and his father but this is how it should be.

"I'll come with you. I just need to talk to our parents." She said softly.

"You don't know what you're saying! He is just using you to hurt me! " George's voice reverberated in the room like a clap of thunder, such was his rage. It was a roar of pure anger. 

"No, Dad. It's not like that!"

"He will hurt you, Sam. Believe me...he will just..."

"Dad! Dad... Stop... Please. You don't understand. I like him and I trust him. He's not going to hurt me. Please."


Sam dropped her eyes to the floor, breathing deeply, and then raised them to meet her father's eyes. "You can't do anything about it. I made my decision. I'm going with him."

George's complexion ashen. He closed his eyes and dropped himself on the sofa like all his energy was sucked out of him. My mom came to sit beside him whispering something in his ear. I saw George's head shook from side to side before looking back to his daughter.

"Then go and don't come back." I could almost see George's heart bleeding in pain.

Sam opened her mouth to say something but closed it again. She turned around and walked towards me. You don't know how relieved I am that she chose me. She stopped in front of me, her eyes on the floor.

Finally, the last part of my plan was been made. In just a couple of months I had my revenge to both Drew and George. The two men who I hated most of my life. I just didn't expect that I had to used someone I truly cared about to hurt them. It sounds so evil I know. But I am Devin Archer, I could be selfish and evil as much as I wanted to be.

I reached for her hand and laced it with mine.

"Thank you." I whispered to her. She looked up, her eyes were wet with tears.

"For what?" She asked confused.

"For choosing me."

Her eyes might be wet with tears but when her lips turned up into a smile, I saw the unspoken emotions in her, telling me how much she trust me. I should be happy now. She's mine. All mine. But instead, a fire burned in my mind and throat. Remorse hit me like a sledgehammer. She chose me over her father. Although, this is what I planned all along, I cared for her so much that I don't want her to get hurt. It's just so unfortunate that she became part of this game. This is the final part of my revenge anyway, I'm just fucking hope that she wouldn't find out. What she doesn't know won't hurt her right?


Oh you little devil, what have you done? :p

I'm feeling a bit generous today so even if I only got a few likes from last chapter, I'm giving you another update. Enjoy while it lasts!

Anna xx

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