Chapter 27

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I woke up with Devin beside me. I was lying on my side facing him while I watched him sleeps peacefully on his back. His thick eye lashes were fanning down on his cheeks.

"You done checking me out?" Devin smiled while his eyes were still closed.

"You're awake?"

"Uh-yeah, unless I'm sleep talking?"His lips slowly lifted up into a smile before he opened his left eye and then the other. His pointy finger crooked telling me to come closer.

I bit my lower lip and shook my head. Devin crunched his eyebrows, his face was laced with worry by my reaction. He moved towards me but I pushed him back.

"What's the matter?"

"Morning breath." I said, barely opening my mouth.

Devin sighed. "You scared the shit out of me. I thought I did something last night that made you changed your mind about us."

He then grabbed my waist and pulled me towards him. He kissed my forehead then the bridge of my nose, down to my right cheek and when he moved to my lips, I drew back a little refusing to kiss him. He looked at me in disbelief and I just shook my head.

But what Archer wants Archer gets right? While I refused to kiss him, I knew it will challenge him more. He watched me as his kips slowly turned into a smirk before he crushed his lips to mine. I felt his hand tightened around my waist before lifting me up to straddle him. I bend towards as we continue to kiss while his hands went down to my thighs and started hitching up the hem of my nightie. His hands stayed on my hip bones underneath my silky dress which send endless tiny tingles of electricity in my core.

"Hot damn!" That deep english accent told us one thing. We had company and we knew who it was. I jumped away from Devin and he immediately throw the blanket on me.

"What the hell, man? Don't you know how to knock?" Devin yelled to Blake who was standing in the middle of the room.

"You should probably learn how to lock your door first, yeah?" His eyes were dancing with humour.

"Get out!" Devin warned Blake but Blake didn't seem intimidated, he moved his eyes to me and smiled devilishly.

"And stop checking out on my girlfriend-you fucknut!" Devin added angrily.

My breath hitched as I heard Devin called me his girlfriend which brought my blood rushing to my face.

I'm his girlfriend?
Is that what we really are now?
He said that, didn't he?

I looked at Devin and he was blushing as well as he finally realised what he had just admitted to his cousin. I didn't know what was running in Blake's mind, but I bet it was nothing serious as he was smiling while he shook his head.

"Girlfriend, huh?" Blake said mockingly.

I heard Devin breathed hard just like an angry dragon ready to spit out fire.

"Get the fuck out Blake before I shove my fist into your ass!"

"Language, loverboy, language. You're girlfriend is right here." Blake wiggled his eyebrows at me and I giggled. I heard Devin huffed and Blake did an eye roll which was so funny. I bit my lip to stop myself from giggling too hard. I was already earning Devin's warning glare and I'm not wishing to be the recipient of his fury.

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