Chapter 47 - Crushed Hopes

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The night of the Skellion party was electric. As soon as Devin and I arrived, we were greeted by the thumping bass of loud music and the sight of countless people dancing and mingling. The room was packed, with vibrant lights flashing and laughter echoing through the air. I felt a wave of excitement and happiness being there with Devin. 

I missed him. 

Devin has a protective hold on my hand as he walk in the middle of the dance floor. The crowd automatically parted giving way to Devin and I (or maybe just Devin) when they saw us. 

As we passed the DJ's area, I noticed the banner on the wall behind him. Bold letters in sprayed paint says it was a Skellion Date Night. My heart sank, and a nervous knot formed in my stomach. Memories of the last Skellion party flooded back. I got anxious as I couldn't shake the feeling of dread. I didn't want a repeat of that night.

"it is a date night?" I asked, trying to keep my voice steady.

Devin turned to me, his eyes softening. "Yeah, it is. But don't worry," he said. I felt his hold tighten "This will be my last one." his voice reassuring. 

I looked at him, surprised. "Your last one?"

He nodded, a small smile playing on his lips. "Yeah. You'll see."

His words left me feeling a mix of anticipation and anxiety. While I wanted to believe him, the memories of past betrayals and heartbreaks lingered in the back of my mind. The way he looked at me with such confidence and reassurance made my heart flutter, but I couldn't shake the gnawing worry that something might go wrong. I squeezed his hand a little tighter, hoping that this time, things would be different.

As we approached the Skellion table, we were greeted by Logan, Liam, Brooke, and Alton. Brooke's eyes lingered on me, her gaze went to Devin and I's interlocked hands. 

Blake arrived a bit later, his eyes widening in surprise when he saw Devin sitting next to me. He smiled, clearly happy to see us together, but his expression quickly turned to worry when he noticed Kathryn entering the room. She made her way to the Skellion table, her eyes narrowing as she spotted Devin with me.

I excused myself to go to the ladies' room, needing a moment to collect my thoughts. The memories of the last date night and the tension of the evening were getting to me. After freshening up, I stepped out of the toilet and found Kathryn waiting for me.

She smirked, her eyes cold. "You really think Devin has changed, don't you? He's just playing you, Sam. He'll always come back to me."

Her words cut deep, but I refused to let her see how much they affected me. "You're dreaming if that's what you think," I replied, trying to keep my voice steady and confident, even though inside I felt like I was falling apart.

Kathryn took a step closer, her voice lowering to a taunting whisper. "You're just a temporary distraction, Sam. Devin will get bored and he'll come back to someone who truly understands him. And I mean all of him—the good, the bad, the ugly, and even the monster side of him. That's me, only me." She paused, her eyes gleaming with satisfaction as she waited for my response. When I didn't react, she continued, twisting the knife deeper. "Remember how Devin ran away from you and ran to me when Toby's death haunted him? That's never going to change. I'm the only one who can comfort him, the only one who really knows him. He knows that, which is why he always comes back to me."

Her words hit me like a sledgehammer, each one driving deeper into my heart. Despite Devin telling me everything about what happened the night Toby died, I couldn't help feeling a pang of jealousy that Kathryn had been part of Devin's past—especially during the most difficult moments of his life. The image of Devin seeking solace in her arms, turning to her instead of me, was unbearable. My mind swirled with conflicting thoughts: the love and trust I had for Devin clashed with the jealousy and insecurity Kathryn's words stirred up.

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