Chapter 25

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When I told Devin about Cassie's project a few days ago and that I agreed to model for her to help her, he was fine with it at first but when I told him that I'll be in lingerie and will be posing with his cousin Blake, Devin went psycho.

"The fuck he is! Call Cassie right now and tell her you're not doing it anymore!" Devin said angrily when I told him three days ago.

"I can't. I've already said yes and Cassie will be in deep trouble with her boss if I cancel this late."

"I don't give a fuck. You're not going to do it and that's final!"

I moved closer to him and rubbed his bare arms repeatedly to calm him.

"You're adorable when you're being jealous." I joked but Devin didn't find it funny at all. "It's just a photoshoot, just work-and besides, Blake is your cousin. I don't see anything wrong being paired with him."

Devin stared at me, he wrapped his arm around my hips and pulled me hard in one arm towards him.

"I'm not jealous, okay? You don't know Blake. I saw how he looked at you when he was here last time, he wants in your pants and I don't share what's mine."

I'm pretty sure I should be mad at him for being so unreasonable, but instead I find it rather sexy that Devin Archer was jealous because of me.

I wrapped my arms around him and reached the back of his neck, letting my hands brushed his hair and smiled at him seductively. "But it's you that I want in my pants, not him."

Tomorrow is the day of the photoshoot. Cassie and Blake arrived last night and staying in the Archer's with us.

Blake and Devin are really close. It's fun to watch them bounced remarks between themselves like little kids. Their banter was crude and they insulted each other often, but I guess it's just how they are with each other. Having Blake here with us is fun, except that, Devin's been extremely cranky since he and Cassie arrived.

"Get away from my sofa!" Devin warned Blake who was sitting so close to me and being extra touchy. I would've punched him only if he wasn't being really fun to be with. His advances wasn't like Logan, it was more of like his way of getting some reactions out of Devin, and honestly I was enjoying watching Devin getting annoyed of Blake, while Blake just laughed at him.

"You're being an over protective-stepbrother, Mate. I'd never seen you got pissed like that when blokes hit on Cassie." Cassie and I laughed.

"Fuck you, Blake. I know what you're doing." Devin gave him the finger.

"Oh yeah?" Blake smirked before looking at me from head to toe. "What do you think, Sam? Should I sleep in your room tonight? You know- just so we'll be more comfortable with each other for tomorrow's photoshoot?" Blake said in his sexy english accent and winked at me. I giggled. I knew he was just joking, I mean it was a bit crude but in a very funny way. I bit my lower lip when my eyes locked with Devin's. He doesn't looking very happy.

"Stop it, Blake. You're not her type!" Cassie said.

Blake raised one of his eyebrows in disbelief . "But I'm everyone's type!" He said confidently.

I giggled again while Cassie rolled her eyes. I like Blake's humour. I find it easy to get comfortable with him even though he's probably worst than Devin in being a playboy.

"See? That smile says it all. Am I right, Crumpet?"

"You're so full of yourself, Blake." I said in between giggles.

"Well then...tell me, What's your type?" he asked.

"Dream on, Blake. She's not into bad boys and playboys! Right, Sam?" Cassie winked at me and I blushed. What would I say to that. I was just making out with a bad boy a while ago-who also happens to be her brother!

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