Chapter 40 - The night of betrayal and loss

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Devin - 2 years ago

It was April 1st, we rented our Breton's Bar for our first Skellion Date Night of the year. Toby and I entered the room and we are immediately greeted by the pulsating music that filled the air, blending with the laughter and chatter of maybe around 80 per cent of students at Wellington High and random high school and college girls from different schools. Neon lights danced across the walls, casting an otherworldly glow on the lively scene as we continued walking across the room. 

A girl who I recognised as the captain of the cheerleading team went in front of us, stopping us from our tracks. 

"Hi Toby..." Toby's name has only two syllables in it, but the way she said his name, it seems like it has more than two. She pronounced every syllable of his name slowly, her tongue moving from all sides of her mouth...I guess trying to sound...well, more seductive. 

"Hey Piper." Toby smiled.  

Piper smiled wide and bit her lip when took notice of me. 

"You must be Devin? Toby's brother?" Her tongue hung open when she said brother, and stayed like that as she waited for my response. 

I've been to one of the Skellion date nights before as a full pledged Skellion but I haven't really participated in the "picking". Why? I have my reasons. One, I don't like the type of girls that comes into this party, and the idea of dating one of them doesn't appeal to me. Two, I don't like the hype and the attention. Third, it's just too chaotic for me, not my thing. 

"Yeah that's me!" I said rather enthusiastically. 

Piper stepped closer and bit her lip. I stepped back. 

"I was Toby's pick last year, I bet you will enjoy my company just like your big brother did..." She whispered. 


"I'm not interested." I said deadpan. 

I heard Toby chuckled beside me. "Ouch" he whispered but enough for Piper to hear. 

Piper's eyes widen in shock before it was quickly replaced by embarrassment...and then annoyance. "Are you gay?" 

"Sheesh.." was my only response. 

"He's not. He's just has different taste." Being a gentleman as always, Toby responded for me. 

"Clearly..a bad one" Piper rolled her eyes before turning back to Toby. "See you later, Toby..." Her tongue does those crazy stuff again.


"Seriously, That ??" I asked Toby, referring to Piper.

"Yep I know. Don't judge, it was only for a night bro..." He said embarrassed. "And I'm not telling why...I don't kiss and tell."

"You don't have to, I'm not blind" My response gained a laugh from my brother. 

It's weird that he finds that funny. 

"Where's Kathryn anyway?" Toby asked. I've known Kathryn since we're babies. Liam, Logan, Alton, Drew, myself and Kathryn grew up together. We are part of a tight knit group of Skellions' children. Toby knows that Kathryn and I have been hooking up. Although, no one else knows about it because Kathryn wanted us to stay quiet for now. 

It started two months ago in my apartment. I was helping her with her Trigonometry assignment. I swear I wasn't thinking of doing anything but then she placed her hand on my thigh then it slowly went up until she was caressing my dick...we started fucking and the rest was history. 

"She has to pick up something for her mom on her way. She'll be here in few." I responded. 

Toby stopped walking and grabbed me by my arm.  "Hey listen, about Kathryn..." I turned and looked at him, surprised to see his face becoming serious all of a sudden. "...just be careful okay?" 

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