Chapter 38

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Hey, it's me, Blake. You know me, I am Devin Archer's hot cousin from London. And NO, I am absolutely not a 'fucknut'!

I bet you didn't see me coming, yeah? I just thought I'd drop by to see how Dev is doing. I've been expecting some dramas, knowing it's two days before April 1st, it's the day Toby died. This time of the year has always been challenging, not just for Dev but all of us. Toby was taken from us too soon. He died in a car accident, and Devin had to witness that.

Since Toby's death in the last two years, Dev would go down the coast to drown himself in alcohol. And I, his best and most good looking cousin, will be there to make sure he doesn't do anything stupid while I take all his wrath on the world. Yes, life isn't fair. I should be clubbing and fucking a nice ass chic, but instead, I'll be putting an annoying toddler (pretending to be a grown up drunk man) into his bed every night.

I was contemplating not coming here this year. I thought this year was different from the past two years because of Sam. She made all the difference in the bastard's life. Look at the guy; for god sake, he's smitten, totally knocked out. I haven't seen him like that with a girl before. I thought having Sam in his life would help him forget the past, but I guess I thought wrong.

I knew something was up when our Romeo wasn't answering my calls. I'd totally kick his balls when I see him! I was so fucking worried, especially about Sam. I'm sure Sam doesn't have any idea what was happening. I bet Dev didn't tell her anything.

That's why I'm here, to be the knight and shining armour for the damsel in distress...because her prince has a fucked up past and now fucking his present and possibly future.

"Are you alright, Kitty?" I asked Sam when we got back to their apartment. Sam refused to sit on the couch, arguing that she'll ruin it with her drenched clothes, so she sat on the floor with her head in both hands.

She looks terrible.

Fuck, I hate seeing her like this.

I can see the gravity of sadness pulling down every part of her. She looked up at me. I see her contemplating how to answer me.

"No, you're not gonna start calling me Kitty, Blake." She said, trying to dodge my question.

"No? Well, let's see, how can you stop me?" I smirked at her.

She sighed when she realised she couldn't win.

"Fine. Just go back calling me Crumpet then." She said. I could hear the exhaustion in her voice. I knew she was trying to keep me from asking about Dev. But I don't need to ask because I already know what's happening with Devin. What I want to know is what's happening with her. I want to make sure she is okay. So, I sat on the floor beside her.

"Okay, I'll stop calling you Kitty if you tell me what happened at your school today?"

"It's nothing."

"It's not 'nothing' when you leave school and walk out in the rain, crying your eyes out." I waited, but she didn't say anything. "Come on, Sam. I came here for you. Let me help you."

Tears started to roll down her cheek.

"What's going on with him?"

I sighed. I'm not sure how I can explain this to her.

"It's not my place to tell you what Dev's going through. But, his brother died two years ago, and let's just say there are times where he would mourn his death."

"You know where Devin is, don't you?

Oh no. Please don't ask me to take you to him.

"Can you take me to him?" Her eyes were pleading.

Shite. "Sam, I don't think..."


I know Devin; he'll be in a total wreck right now. He's not going to listen to anyone. Everyone knows that the only way to deal with him during this time is to give him space. But I know he feels something for Sam, so I hope to see her will bring him back to the present.

Maybe she can help.

"Fine." I resigned. The bastard's going to kill me by bringing Sam to him, that's for sure.

So is this some deep heroic shite where I sacrifice my life for their happiness?

Fuck. What's happening to me? I'm turning into a romantic psycho.

In my peripheral vision, I saw tears slowly falling from Sam's cheek, one after the other. I know she's hurting. I have a feeling something nasty happened in school that hurt her. I fucking wish Devin is in his right mind right now cause I don't want to put Sam in any more pain. I don't want him to put Sam in any more pain.

We drive down the coast in silence. The quietness is terrifying. It's like the calm before the storm. I'm not sure in what state Dev is right now, and for the first time, I'm nervous to see him, not because I'm afraid of him lashing out on me. Instead, I'm worried that he might be already deep into his pain, that he'd refuse to acknowledge Sam or their connection.

"Here we are." I said when we arrived Dev's beach house. Sam unbuckled her seat belt and reached to open her door. I reach out on the door handle, stopping her.

"Crumpet, I know you really want to see him, but I think it's best if I go in there first."

"What? Why can't we go in at the same time? I really want to see him, Blake...I want to be there for him." She pleaded

I hope it's that easy.

"I know but trust me; it's best if I talk to him first. Can you trust me on this, Sam?"

Sam sighed and nodded without looking at me.

"That's my girl. Just give me 15 minutes. And don't worry, I'll let him know you're waiting in the car."

I walked out of my car to the beach house's front door. I turned around and gave Sam a wink and a reassuring smile.

This is going to be fucking messy.


Hello lovelies,

I know many of you adores Blake so I thought treating you all this chapter in Blake's POV.

Let me know your thoughts!

Thanks again for your support :)

Anna xx

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