Chapter 8 - I made the devil angry

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The next few days passed in a blur, and it wasn't that bad. People were still talking about my first-day drama with Devin, but as the days went by, it slowly started to die down. I didn't hear from Devin after that Monday night. Although I saw him a couple of times around campus, he never acknowledged me or my existence. I knew he was always around, though. I didn't need to see him or hear his voice because I always felt a tingling sensation whenever he was near, and soon enough, I started to believe that he was literally burning holes into the back of my head with his intense glare.

It was Thursday, and I was having lunch with Brooke in the cafeteria when I heard the chair beside me move. I looked up to see Drew with his dazzling boyish smile. He was looking extra dreamy today, sporting a gray hoodie and a pair of Beats headphones around his neck.

"Hey," he said shyly, but his dazzling smile wasn't left unnoticed. I didn't know what to say back because my brain stopped processing anything as soon as I saw him.

"Uh... you don't mind, do you?" Drew asked, pointing to the chair beside me when he noticed that I was just staring at him.

"No. Of course not!" Brook answered for me rather excitedly, while at the same time, I felt her elbow hit my ribs. I realised that I'd been staring at Drew for quite a while, looking really stupid.

I noticed how Drew's eyes were twinkling with amusement. His smile was so infectious that I couldn't help but smile back at him, and now we both looked like idiots grinning at each other.

"Yes. I mean, no. It's fine," I finally said. He sat on the chair to my right and pulled it closer beside me. I couldn't believe I was being a nervous freak in front of Drew. Yes, he's hot, that's a fact, but he was also a really nice guy, and I liked him.

Well, maybe because I liked him, that's why I got nervous around him. Yeah, that sounds like me.

I closed my eyes for a few seconds to collect myself, and when I opened them again, Drew was still looking at me. He raised his eyebrows playfully, which made me feel more comfortable around him.

Feeling more relaxed now, I smiled at him. "Sorry about that. So, uh... what's up?"

What's up? Really, Sam?

"Well, I heard what happened last Monday, so I'm just checking if you're okay. Sorry, I meant to ask you a few days ago, but I was not in school, and I didn't know how to contact you." He was thinking of me. I felt the heat on my face, and I'm pretty sure I was blushing.

"Thank you. It was just an accident, but can I just say that your friend is a total jerk?" It was supposed to be a joke. Well, a half-meant joke, but Drew's reaction was something I wasn't expecting to see. When I looked up, his eyebrows were furrowed, and he looked very angry.

I thought that I somehow offended him with what I had said about Devin, but I noticed that he was looking at something behind me. So I turned to look behind and saw Devin stalking towards our table with the rest of the Skellion boys. Surprisingly, his blonde pet was nowhere beside him.

He looked equally scary as he stared back at Drew when he reached our table. Now both boys were having a stare down, and I was beginning to feel the tension in the air. I looked around and saw that everyone had their full attention on us. They were staring at the two boys, expecting a fight to happen soon, while I, on the other hand, was holding my breath until I heard Devin's voice.

"I need to talk to you." He was standing in front of me now, looking like a Greek god. I was left speechless yet again. I felt something kick me under the table, and I looked up to see a scared-looking Brooke, her eyes wide as they locked onto mine.

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