Chapter 2 - Unexpected encounters

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From the day I moved in with my dad, I knew my simple life in Georgia was over. But nothing prepared me for the terror of starting at Wellington High, where most students came from wealthy families. I'd been a public school girl since kindergarten, and the thought of socialising with these kids was daunting. 

The last few weeks after my grandma died and coming here to live with my dad and his new family have given me all sorts of emotions. Imagine how crazy it is for me. Believe me, I wasn't sure if I was still going to make it at school without having a heart attack. I got more nervous as the clock ticked by, my nerves already killing me, ten minutes before the bus arrived.

My dad tried to give me the keys to his spare car and told me that it's mine until he can buy me my own car next weekend, but I told him that I don't have a license, so that won't be necessary. Of course, he was very surprised considering most teenagers my age are excited to get their license and drive their own car. I'm not one of those kids though; after my grandma was diagnosed with cancer three years ago, we became financially unstable. Although my dad sent us money every month, we used half of it to pay our bills, and I saved the other half for college. So, at an early age, I learned how to budget and value my money and prioritised buying our daily necessities instead of the things that normal teenagers would want. I'm always happy taking the bus, so driving my own car didn't fall under my priorities.

As I stood at the bus stop, anxiety gnawing at my stomach, I realised that maybe I didn't have to fit in with everyone in school. After all, why would they notice someone who doesn't belong to their elite social circles? They were used to luxury, designer clothes, and expensive cars—none of which I had. It dawned on me that trying to blend in might be futile. Instead, I could embrace my invisibility, just fly under the radar, and focus on getting through my senior year. I was used to being on my own anyway.

As I continued to wait for the bus, I noticed an old lady about to cross the street. She reminded me of my grandma. She was walking very slowly, and I saw that the hand holding her cane was shaking. Concerned, I stood up and walked toward her, thinking she might need some help.

"Are you alright?" I asked her. She just looked up at me, confused, but then her lips widened with a smile. That's when I noticed that her face looked really pale.

"Ma'am, you look pale." When she didn't answer, I put an arm around her waist to assist her. "Do you want to sit down and rest for a bit?"

"I'm fine, dear. I just... got really... tired... from walking. I need to get back husband...he might be getting so worried... about me. He didn't... know that I went... for a... walk." She was smiling, but I could hear her catching her breath. She didn't look or sound good at all. The bus was arriving any minute, but I just couldn't leave her there. I knew that I needed to help her.

"You don't seem fine. Where do you live? I'll walk you home."

"Oh... bless you. Our... house is... just... around the... next block." She said while pointing to the next block across the street.

"Ok. Let's go then." I took her bag and lightly held her right elbow.

We were walking slowly halfway across the street when she suddenly dropped her cane and collapsed, falling backward. I dropped her bag in reflex and caught her before her head hit the cement. She was unconscious, and her whole face was white. I was so terrified that I couldn't move. Another lady who was waiting at the bus stop ran toward us and said that we should carry the old lady away from the street.

"We should call 911!" I think I heard the other lady say as soon as we were on the safe side of the road, but I'm not so sure because I was in a bit of shock myself. I had just been in a situation like this before. Seeing the old lady unconscious brought me back to the afternoon when I got back from school and saw Grandma lying on the kitchen floor unconscious.

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