Chapter 50 - Meet and greet

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I sat down, opening my laptop and immersing myself in work, trying to push the turbulent emotions to the back of my mind. But no matter how hard I tried, I couldn't shake the feeling that this encounter with Devin was just the beginning of something much bigger.

As the hours passed, I found myself replaying the brief interaction with Devin over and over. His unreadable expression, the way he said my name, the intense gaze that seemed to look right through me—it was all too much. I knew I had to confront these feelings, but for now, I buried myself in work, hoping it would be enough to keep the floodgates closed.

By the end of the day, I was exhausted, both physically and emotionally. I packed up my things, ready to head home and find some semblance of peace.

"Sam...Oh thank God you're still here!" It was Claire.

"I was just about to leave. What's up?"

"I forgot to give these documents to Victoria this afternoon. They need to review and sign these documents before the photoshoot on Friday. Are you able to drop by her hotel to deliver these?"

Really? Why does it have to be me...again. The last thing I wanted was another encounter with Devin and Victoria tonight.

I forced a smile, hiding my reluctance. "Sure."

"You're a gem! Here are the documents. Some of them are confidential, so make sure to hand them only to her or Mr. Archer if he is there." Claire handed me a brown package containing the documents.

I took the package, feeling a pit of dread forming in my stomach. "Will do."

The Dominick Hotel was one of the most luxurious hotels in the city, its sleek glass façade towering over the bustling streets of SoHo. As I walked into the grand lobby, it was overwhelming. Crystal chandeliers hung from the high ceilings, casting a soft glow over the marble floors. The reception desk was very modern, with a polished wood finish and elegant floral arrangements.

I approached the reception desk, trying to steady my nerves. "Hi, I'm here to deliver some documents to Victoria Kensington."

The receptionist smiled warmly. "Of course. Let me call up to her room." She picked up the phone and dialled. After a brief conversation, she nodded. "You can go up to the Penthouse on level 42. The lift is right over there."

"She's not coming down to meet me?" I asked, hoping to avoid going up. I

"No. She said to ask you to come up."

"Oh..." I replied, my heart sinking. The thought of going up to the penthouse filled me with dread. I forced a smile, trying to hide my reluctance. "Alright, thank you."

As I walked toward the lift, my mind raced with anxiety. The ride up seemed to take forever, the anticipation building with each passing floor. When the doors finally opened on the 42nd floor, I stepped out into a plush hallway, the carpet so thick it felt like walking on clouds. I found the door to the penthouse and rang the doorbell, my heart pounding in my chest.

After a few moments, the door opened to reveal Victoria, clad in a silk robe, her hair damp and makeup-free. She looked like she had just stepped out of the shower, yet she still exuded a natural elegance.

"Hi, Sam," she greeted me with a smile. "Come in."

Before I could respond, I heard a man's voice from inside the penthouse. "Hey Vic, who is it?"

The voice sent a jolt through me. Devin. Realisation hit me like a freight train—they were staying together.

I shoved the documents into Victoria's hands, my voice trembling. "I just came to deliver these. I need to go."

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