Let's talk about: Jane The Killer

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How many times do I have to say this??

Okay, I know Jane is canonly a lesbian but twelve-fourteen year old me DIDN'T!

So, I apologize for the weird pairings of her and another male *Jeff/Liu* but I didn't know! Most of my creepypasta information came from other one shot books and I hardly read their origin stories, other than Jeff's, Liu's, Sally's, BEN's, Lost Silver's, Nurse Ann's, Ticci Toby's, Clockwork's, Bloody Painter's, Laughing Jack's and Puppeteer.

To this day, i still haven't read the other's as I'm not that present in the creepypasta fandom as I was back then.

But in regards to my Jane x Male reader oneshots in the CP book and the one in my multi fandom oneshot book, I won't apologize for those. I do acknowledge that Jane is lesbian and I want to write more for her in my new oneshot book but I'm not that present in this fandom anymore.

There are guys in the CP fandom too and there isn't much content for male reader inserts. So, I'm more than happy to indulge them, especially if they make requests since I won't really write for the CP fandom unless requested.

Someone in the comment section of my old book told me to "go kys "author"" and I don't know if it was a joke or not. Regardless, you shouldn't tell people to k*** themselves over this.

Bottom line, I'm sorry for the inconvenience regarding Jane's sexuality and her pairings in my old oneshots. Believe me, looking back some pairings didn't make sense to me *Jeff and Jane*. But, you shouldn't cuss people out and tell them to k*** themselves over it.

Have a great day or night further


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