Sick (Eyeless Jack x sick!fem reader)

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Y/n's POV:

I released an exhausted sigh as I took another tissue from the box on my nightstand,blowing into it. I groaned as I threw it in the wastebasket beside my bed. Yep. The flu got me. My boyfriend,Eyless Jack warned me NOT to play in the fucking rain but me being the stubborn ass girlfriend I am,I did the exact opposite.

I played in the rain until I was soaking! I groaned as I rolled over in my warm bed,searching for a more comfortable position to lay in. But it seemed impossible! I heard a click and didn't bother to look at the window already knowing it was my eyeless,kidney consuming boyfriend.

"Hey y/-are you okay?!" EJ rushed over to my side as he knelt down next to me. "Do I look fucking okay? I'm suffering from a fucking 85° fever. Of course I'm not okay!" I groaned out as I glared at him. "Aish babe. There's no need to be stubborn." He mumbled as he pushed a few hairs out of my face.

I hummed in satisfaction as I leaned into his touch.

Third Person's POV:
EJ chuckled as Y/n leaned into his touch. He got on her bed and moved her head to his lap,where he resumed running his fingers through her h/l,h/c locks. "I told you not to play in the rain,love. Now you're suffering from a killer cold." EJ frowned under his mask.

"Me and you both know I was gonna do it anyways. It's like telling someone not to touch a big red button. They're obviously going to do the opposite!"  Y/n retorted with a pout. EJ simply shook his head and sighed,"What am I going to do with you?" Y/n simply grumbled in response as she coughed.

"Have you taken any medication?" EJ asked. Y/n shook her head with a frown. "Why not?" EJ raised an eyebrow. "Didn't eat." Was all y/n said as she closed her eyes and wrapped herself in a cacoon. "Why not,love?" EJ lovingly stroked her h/c locks. "Not hungry." She mumbled. EJ frowned before moving her head and placing it back on the bed.

"Noooo..." Y/n whined. "You're going to eat something. Even if I have to shove it down you're throat." EJ firmly stated as he exited the room. "Don't leave meh!" Y/n yelled as she groggily got up,pulling her covers with her and following her grey-skinned boyfriend to the kitchen.

I started making y/n some f/f. I don't know why she didn't call me,I would've helped her. I heard footsteps and turned to see y/n leaning against the doorframe. Even with her mishelved hair and baggy eyes,she still looks beautiful. "Something smells like f/f." She smiled softly at me.

That smile....still melts my heart. I smiled as I walked up to her,wrapping my arms around her waist and led her to the living room. "I'm making f/f,babe. I know how much you love it." I explained as I sat her down on the couch. She hummed and nodded as she nuzzled into her blankets. I supressed a laugh as she looked like a little eggroll.

I walked back into the kitchen and dished the f/f into a bowl/plate and got a spoon/knife and fork. I walked back into the liveng room,f/f food in hand and saw y/n laying on her side,flipping through the channels on the TV. "Y/n," I called as I stood infront of her. She faced me and her face lightened up,"You really are the best boyfriend Jack."

She smiled warmly as she sneezed into a tissue,making her nose redder and cuter. She reached for the bowl/plate and I pulled it back. "Nope." I stated. "Wha-" "I'll feed you~" I sang as I sat down next to her and put some f/f food on the fork/spoon. "Say 'Ahh'~" I sang as I moved the utensil towards her mouth.

Third Person's POV:
"Jack~ I'm not THAT sick. I can feed myself!~" Y/n whined as she puffed up her cheeks. EJ blushed and shrugged,"I guess I'll eat it all then" he led the spoon to his now open mouth. Y/n's e/c eyes widened as she stretched out her arms,"Noooo!!!!" EJ jumped in surprise,the f/f falling back into the plate/bowl.

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