I'll always be here (Teen!Sally x male!dying reader)

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(Ps in this oneshot, Sally is like 15 and everyone is still the same age)

Oneshot contains mentions of death, death of major character, harsh language and neglect of a person's well being.
If the above mentioned make you uncomfortable, please skip onto the next oneshot or one more to your favor and tastes.
Thank you.

Third Person's POV:
Y/n l/n was a proxy of Slender. He never understood why though because he wasn't as strong as the rest of his housemates. Y/n was only weak because of his rare illness. He found out about it after he was taken under Slender's wing. He hasn't told anyone about it.

Only three people knew, that being Dr.Smiley, Nurse Ann and Sally. Y/n asked the three to not tell anybody because he didn't want them to pity him.

So right now, Y/n is having his weekly check-up with Sally acquainting him like always.

Y/n's POV:
I'm currently sitting here in Dr. Smiley's office, a nervous wreck.

"Y/n, it will be okay." Sally reassured me as she rubbed my back.

I looked at her and smiled,"Thanks Sally."

She returned the smile and we heard the door open and close,which caught my attention.

"Well Mr.L/n, I have news..." Smiley trailed.

"News?" Sally pressed.

Nurse Ann nodded,"We won't say it's bad nor good."

I nodded in understanding.

"So? How's it looking Smiley?" I questioned nervously as my hands shook against my legs.

Nurse Ann and Smiley exchanged looks before turning back to me.

"I hate to say this Y/n, but you've really overdone it this time." Smiley muttered as his gaze fixed on me.

"I'm sorry but Slender needed me to do more missions than usual and I didn't want to say no. He would've asked why and I didn't have a good excuse." I tried to defend, voice wavering.

"That's not a good enough excuse, N/n. With every mission, you come back weaker. Your body is more vulnerable to bruises, your organs are slowly shutting down and your disease is spreading more rapidly nd there's nothing me or Nurse Ann can do!" Smiley loudly explained with a frown and knitted eyebrows.

"S-smiley What are you s-saying?" Sally questioned with sad eyes.

Nurse Ann turned to Sally, "He's saying that Y/n only has a week to live, not a few months as we thought."

Sally broke down and fell to her knees while I just sat their emotionless as I looked at my lap.

"You have to tell them right now!" Sally yelled.

I rapidly shook my head as tears slipped from my eyes. Without another word being said, I left the room.

I walked towards mine and Sally's shared room.

Before I could open the door, my body grew limp and I held the handle of the door for support. I sat infront of the door as I cried in pain and anger. I banged my hand against the door a couple of times and cried more.

Third Person's POV:

Sally watched from the corner of the hall as he cried in agony. That caused Sally to cry aswell because she was watching the boy who was like her big brother suffer.

Sally often wished that it was her instead of him but he'd always remind her that everything happens for a reason and that there's nothing we can do about it.

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