Too Clingy (Homicidal Liu x clingy!female!reader)

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Greetings my lovely readers! This oneshot was requested by forgot who the person is . Thanks for the request. This'll be my third Homicidal Liu oneshot! Thanks again.

Side Note:
Guys, when requesting oneshots, PLEASE USE THE REQUEST STATION IN THE BEGINING, THE VERY FIRST CHAPTER!!! I made it for a reason. It gets really confusing when you guys request stuff in the comment sections of different oneshots!

Y/n L/n is the beautiful girlfriend of Homicidal Liu. She loves Liu to death and can't stand being away from him for too long. Same with Liu.

But, Liu is starting to distance himself from Y/n for unknown reasons. What could it be?

Y/n's POV:
I hummed as I skipped into LJ's room.

"Morning LJ!" I greeted my monochrome clown friend with a huge grin.

LJ turned to me with a smile,"Morning N/n. What's got you so happy?"

I shrugged as I walked over to him and plopped down onto his black and white striped bed.

"Nothing really. I'm just feeling a bit happy today. Like something good is going to happen!" I exclaimed.

LJ chuckled as he patted my head.

"Whatever, Y/n."

"By the way, did you see Liu? He didn't come back from his spree last night." I worriedly explained as I bit my lip.

LJ quirked an eyebrow,"Liu did come home, Y/n. Didn't he come up?"

I slowly shook my head in response.

LJ hummed as he placed his claw like index finger on his chin.

"He said he'd be staying with Jane or something. I asked if you were okay with this and he said yes. I didn't question any further because than I'd come off as nosey or whatever." LJ explained.

My eyes widened as I felt my mouth run dry.

"H-he's with Jane?" I softly questioned.

LJ hummed in response.

My eyes drooped in sadness and despair as I lowered my gaze to my f/s's.

"Y/n?" I felt LJ place a hand on my shoulder as he called me.

I looked up at him through my eyelashes.

"What's wrong?" He softly questioned with a frown.

I sighed as I looked down at my f/s's again.

"It's just... Liu hardly talks to me anymore. He rarely spends time with me too. He's always hanging out with the other pastas, especially Jane. I'm just worried you know. I mean, I didn't do anything wrong, did I?" I questioned, my voice wavering as I felt tears fill my e/c eyes.

LJ pulled me into his side and I rested my head on his chest as his rested on my head.

"No, you didn't do anything wrong, Y/n. Have you talked to Liu about this?" He questioned.

I shook my head,"I try to but whenever I do he has somewhere to go or he's to busy." I explained with a sigh.

"Well, try talking to him today. If he says he doesn't have time, you grab him by his stupid black and white scarf and you place his ass on a chair and say 'Liu, I'm done with your bullshit! Tell me what the fuck is your problem or I dump your sorry ass!' okay?" LJ explained.

I laughed as I nodded my head,"Okay."

LJ kissed my head and pulled something out from his pocket. He placed his hand infront of me and opened it to reveal some (favorite sweets).

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