I Love Her (Ticci Toby x fem!reader)

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Y/n's POV:
I sighed as I walked into the kitchen, seeing Masky and Hoodie eating cheesecake while Toby was...just staring at his waffles? 'Odd...' I thought. I walked over to Masky and tapped him on the shoulder,"Sup C/N?" "Masky," I called. "Yeah?" He whispered as softly as me.

"Why is Toby you know...Not being Toby?" I asked eyeing the ticking brunette. Masky shrugged,"No clue. He hasn't even bugged me today. It's weird. Also,he's not eating his waffles." I nodded,"It's freaking me out!" I whisper-yelled. Hoodie nodded. "Do you have any clue Hoods?" I asked.

He stood in thought until he nodded,"Maybe he's sick??" He said,well more like asked. I looked at Toby and back at the two,"Doubt it." "Did Jeff call him names again?!" I fumed. They both shrugged and I groaned. I looked at Toby,"Well,bye pussies." I flipped them off before confidently walking up to Toby.

He seemed deep in thought because he didn't even take note of my presence. "Toby?" I called as I sat down on the chair next to him. Nothing. I waved my hand slowly infront of his,"Toby?" Nothing. "Hello??? Earth to Tobias Eren Rogers!" I snapped my fingers infront of his face.

"Huh?" He finally answered. He looked at me and his cheeks tinted, red? 'Why? Is he sick?' I thought. "Y-y-y/n! How l-l-long was I-?" "A few minutes I think. I wasn't here that long." I explained . He nodded and looked at his lap,his bangs covering his eyes. "Toby?" I called. "Y-yes?" He asked as he looked at me through his bangs.

'What's up with this boy?' I thought as I raised my eyebrow at him. "Are you okay?" I asked as I held his black gloved hand which was laying on the table. He jumped slightly and his lip quivered,"Of c-c-course I am. W-w-why do you ask?" He tilted his head to the side slightly. "You haven't been yourself lately and it's starting to worry me and Masky." I explained as I gave his hand a slight squeeze.

He looked down with pink cheeks? "I'm fine." He muttered. "Are you sure because you aren't eating your waffles and you haven't annoyed Masky in like forever." I frowned. He remained silent,"I'm just not hungry. I also am not in the mood for annoying anyone today." He muttered. I knitted my eyebrows,"Was it Jeff again?"

He shook his head,"Ju-st not in th-e mood for any-th-ing lately. Bu-t I swe-ar I'm okay." I frowned and pulled his hood off from over his head,"You can tell me anything Toby. I'm right here." His fists clenched,"I told you I'm fine!" He harshly said. My eyes widened.  Toby never ever spoke to me that or anyone for that matter. "Toby pleas-!"

"God damnit y/n! Just leave me alone! Go away! I don't want to see you! Your presence is making me angry and pissing me off! So leave me the fuck alone forever! I don't want to see you,hear you or look at you! So fucking go!" He yelled as he ripped his hand from mine and glared down at me. I watched wide-eyed as my eyes started to tear up.

'Does he really not like me?' I thought as my lip quivered. He breathed in and out angrily as he held his forehead,"Fuck."

Third person's POV:
The tears tears slipped from y/n's eyes as she stared Toby. Never would she thought to have seen Toby actually yell at somebody,her nonetheless. Y/n sniffled as she wiped her tears with her hands and nodded,"Okay." Toby looked confused until his eyes widened.  He had just yelled at his first love,"W-wait! Y-y/n,I'm sorry!" But y/n had already ran out and into the woods.

"Fuck!" Toby exclaimed as he angrily grabbed fist fulls of his brown hair. He ran out of the kitchen and into the living room,hoping one of the pastas might have seen where his love ran.  Toby burst through the doors and everyone's head snapped to the ticking brunette. "Woah! Toby what's wrong?" Jane asked.

He heavily breathed in and out as his hands rested on his knees,"D-id any-one s-ee where y/-n ran off to?" He asked. They shook their heads,"I thought she was with you." Masky explained. "S-he was u-ntil I y-elled at her and t-old her to f-uck o-ff." Toby sadly said as he looked at the floor. They all gasped.

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