Suicide Isn't The Answer (Dark Link x BEN Drowned!suicidal!sister!reader)

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Hey guys! This oneshot was requested by 666xUglyxGurlx666! Thanks for another request!

Honestly, some of you guys sure are creative with your requests. It makes me happy that you enjoy my oneshots aswell.

I also wanted to apologise for being so inactive recently but I've been busy dealing with a couple of personal problems.

Anyway, on with the oneshot!!!!

Y/n M/n Drowned is the little sister of BEN Drowned. She looks exactly like BEN accept for her hair and skin color.

Instead of having ashy blonde hair like him ,she has h/c hair. Instead of her corneas being red their f/c and instead of having pale skin she had s/c.

Other than their looks being different, BEN and Y/n had practically the same interests.

They're also really close with each (Unlike a certain pair of siblings cough Jeff and Liu cough) other and not overprotective of the other.

But, Y/n has a big secret that she hasn't even told her brother, who's practically her best friend.

Y/n's suicidal and really depressed.

It didn't bother her at first, the voices and stuff, but as time flew by,she started to get worse.

Half of the reason is because of Dark Link, her crush and BEN's best friend after Y/n.

She can't help but love him but the thoughts are bringing her down about it.

She just hopes someone will notice one day and save her from this void that was self-made....

Y/n's POV:
"BEN MOTHERFUCKING DROWNED!" I yelled, waltzing into the living room.

"Dude,what'd you do this time?" I heard Jeff whisper.

BEN was currently playing video games with Jeff, Liu, LJ, EJ and Toby.

Let me file you in, I was upstairs in my bed,playing (favorite game) and wanted to eat my (favorite chips) that I left in my drawer.

When I looked in, the bag was empty.

I knew right away it was BEN.

He always rummaged my drawers for snacks when I wasn't around.

I stopped infront of him, glaring at him from beneath my bangs.

BEN dropped his controller and his adams apple bobbed as he swallowed thickly, his pupils shrunk in fear.

The other guys simply backed up slightly, all sweatdropping.

"BEN..." I growled.

"Y-yes, my a-adorable, sweet, c-caring, fun, a-amazing sister?" He stuttered out with a nervous smile.

I crossed my arms over my chest,"Did you eat my (favorite chips)?"

He gulped,"W-what?"

He waved his hands and head,"N-no! I-i didn't! I don't e-even like it!" He avoided any eye contact with me.

Yep, he was lying.

"You suck at lying." I spat out.

BEN let out a whine and through himself in my arms, burying his face in my chest.

"I'm so sorry N/n! I didn't mean to! I swear! I was just so hungry and ran out of snacks! I wouldn't do something like that unless I had a good reason too! You wouldn't want your big brother to starve to death now,would you?" BEN exclaimed, looking me in my eyes as blood welled up in his eyes.

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