Prom Night Confession (Bloody Painter x non!binary!reader)

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Hey guys,so this oneshot was requested by a lovely person,LostCinder.

I hope you love this oneshot and that I got everything.

I do apologise if it's terrible, it's my first time writing a non-binary oneshot so it will be a bit hard but anyways, I hope it will be good for my second BP oneshot and my first non-binary oneshot.

Y/n L/n was your everyday highschool student..... aside from the fact that they are friends with a famous group of murderers/proxies, Creepypastas.

Y/n stumbled across Toby one day while they were on a camping trip with their classmates.

They dared them to look for Slender but on their search, they tripped on a tree root, twisting their ankle.

Toby found them, passed out with tear stains on their s/c cheeks.

Toby took them back to heal them. Something about them just reminded him about himself when he went to school.

In the end, after alot of questioned, the pastas warmed up to them as well, even Slender.

But the pasta who warmed up to them the most was none other than the famous murderer/killer, Bloody Painter/Helen Otis. Helen liked Y/n... alot.

But,Y/n had feelings for another and BP could only cheer his crush on, hoping one day that maybe they would notice his feelings for them as well.

If only Helen knew that day was closer than he thought....

Y/n's POV:
I groaned, slamming my head against my desk, my h/l,h/c locks covering my eyes slightly.

It was the one event I hated the most in this awful school.


It was Friday night, which ment four days away.

The thought of the event made a pit in my stomach. Not just because of the big crowds, obnoxious teenagers, preps, jocks or my fellow classmates grinding against each other as they danced, but because I didn't have a date.

I was hoping to ask (Crush/name)'s but my confidence left as soon as it came. I couldn't face (Crush/name)'s without turning into putty in (his/her) hands and it drove me mad.


'Speak of the Devil and he shall appear' I thought, a cloud of pink dusting my s/c cheeks and the tips of my ears.

I slowly, nervously raised my head from the desk,only to be met with the soft eyes of (Crush/Name).

I gulped out of nervousness at how close we were.

Our noses were practically touching, not to mention, this was the closest I've ever been to (him/her).

"Y-yes, (Crush/name)?" I stuttered out.
(He/she) smiled softly at me, straighting their posture.

"So,about prom-"

"W-what about it?" I cut (him/her) off with nervousness lacing my tone.

A light blush crossed (his/her) cheeks, a hand rubbing the nape of (his/her) neck.

"Uh, well, I, uh...was k-kinda hoping,if you don't have a date, m-maybe... would y-you like to b-be my date?" (Crush/name) stuttered out, hope lacing (his/her) words.

I stared up, shocked and flustered.

This had to be dream.

The (Crush's full name) couldn't possibly be asking me, the (describe your personality) Y/n L/n to prom.

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