You're a beautiful girl! (Homicidal Liuxsuicidal!fem!reader)

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This one-shot was requested by 666xUglyxGurlx666. I hope you enjoy this one-shot~
Y/n L/n is Dark Link's younger sister. Her brother adores her more than anything in the world and Y/n adores him too.

But, Y/n isn't as happy or perfect as she seems. She's suicidal. She believes she's ugly, pathetic, worthless, a waste of space and annoying.

She has a habit of cutting the pastas out, especially Liu.

Don't get her wrong, she loves him but she believes he loves Jane. So ,she pushes her feelings aside. Nobody knows she's suicidal or about her feelings towards the scarred killer.

Y/n's POV:
I plopped down on the sofa, phone in hand and head on my brother's lap, Dark Link.

All the pastas were out but me and DL returned earlier than them.

He started running his grey fingers through my h/c locks as his other hand scrolled through his phone.

I smiled softly as I plugged my earphones and started listening to some (favorite band/artist).

I moved my feet to the beat of the song as my eyes fluttered closed.

'Music isn't gonna help you escape your thoughts, Y/n.' My smile turned into a frown at my thoughts. It was right.

Music wasn't going to help so I turned it up to full volume, ignoring the little voice. I felt a tap on my shoulder and opened my e/c orbs to be met with Link's red ones.

I pulled one earbud out,"Yes?"

"I've been calling you. Glad you heard." He sarcastically stated.

I rolled my eyes playfully,"What's up?"

"Want some pizza?" He smiled.

I nodded,"If you're making, HELL yeah!"

He laughed and gently raised my head from his lap, placing it on a pillow before heading to the kitchen. I love my brother, more than anything I just have a hard time expressing my emotions.

He loves me too and is aware of it which is why I love him more. I heard the front door slam open.

"That was my kill and you know it!" I heard Jeff yell.

I sighed as I closed my eyes.

"Well boo hoo! You snooze, you lose!" Jane yelled back.

I heard multiple footsteps enter the living room but didn't open my eyes.

"Hey N/n." BEN greeted.

I opened my right eye and glared at him,"Don't call me that."

"Jeez calm down." Masky said.

I tched and closed my eyes in annoyance. I'm not actually annoyed by them, it's just a facade.

As for keeping my eyes closed, I can't keep eye contact with them for long.

"Can you move over?" LJ questioned.

"I don't know can I?" I sassily questioned. 

"Y/n." He groaned.

"LINK! Talk to your sister she's acting like a bitch again!" Jeff yelled.


'Oh shit.' I thought.

"Dude.... you shouldn't have done that..." BEN gulped.

Dark Link stood in front of the kitchen door, glaring at Jeff.

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