I'm Not Letting You Die (Clockwork x dying!male!reader) Part Two

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Hey Puppet198463! So,the plot for this oneshot was really good and I made it a bit too long, so I had to divide it into two parts. I hope you understand and I'm sorry for the long wait but school and shit has been tough. Thanks for the request once again!!


(The Next Day)

Y/n's POV:
I groaned, turning over to see the morning light leak into my bedroom through the blinds.

I slowly sat up in my bed, running my pale fingers through my messy h/c hair. I reached over towards the desk for my water bottle and took a long sip.

"Y/n? You up?"

I looked up to see Natalie peeking into my bedroom. I bit my bottom lip to suppress a laugh.

"You can stop doing that. You've done it since we were kids." I chuckled taking another sip of my water.

She smiled, stepping fully into my bedroom,"It's an old habit."

"How'd you sleep?" She questioned, walking over to the blinds and opening them.

I shrugged,"Alright I guess. I woke up a couple of hours ago and threw up."

She spun on her heel, eyes wide in nervousness,"Blood?"

I nodded.

"Don't worry, I managed to speed walk to the bathroom in time." I added.

"I took a bath aswell. Stayed there until the water went cold. So, you don't have to worry about bathing me this morning." I smiled.

She shook her head,"Did you at least sleep long enough?"

"I t-tried. I couldn't go sleep after I threw up. So, I read some (favorite author)." I confessed.

"Y/n," she mumbled.

"I'm sorry. But, I don't want to seem useless knowing I can still do normal things. Only a handful of normal things." I grumbled, looking down at my lap.

I heard Natalie sigh, walking over towards my wheelchair that rested beside my wardrobe.

I only ever used it, if I felt weak in my legs or spine.

"How'd yo-"

"You're moody." She deadpanned.

I smiled, watching as she placed the chair beside my bed before she slowly placed me in it. I slipped my slippers on and Nat placed the blood bag in the little pouch behind the chair before removing the heart monitor from me.

"Y/n, I have something to confess." She spoke as she wheeled me out of my bedroom.

"Go ahead, Nat. You know there is nothing you can't tell me." I smiled reassuringly.

She inhaled sharply,"Afewofthepastasarehereandtheyallknowaboutyounowandwanttomeetyou!"

My face scrunched in confusion,"Sorry? Could you repeat it a littlw bit slower, please."

She sighed, helping me down the stairs before slowly speaking,"The pastas and Slender found out about you yesterday. They want to meet you and are surprisingly offering to help us with anything." She explained.

I smiled softly,"That's sweet. B-but," my gaze lowered to my lap,"I've never been around anybody other than my mom and your family, Nat. I-i'm nervous." I confessed.

We reached the end of the staircase and Nat walked infront of me, crouching down infront of me and holding my cold hands in her warm ones.

"Y/n, you have nothing to be nervous about. They won't hurt you. If they do, I'll murder them right on the spot." She vowed, smiling teasingly.

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