I'm Not Letting You Die (Clockwork x dying!male!reader)

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This wonderful oneshot was requested by Puppet198463! I hope you enjoy this and thanks for the awesome request! Second Clockwork oneshot!!! Yaaaaaayyyyyyyy!!!!~~~~


Third Person's POV (Memory):

"Natalie!" Y/n smiled as he saw the brunette female walk into his bedroom.

Natalie frowned, seeing her friend laying in bed, sickely pale and hooked up to a heart monitor, blood bag and drip.

"Hey, N/n." She smiled softly, pecking him on the crown of his head.

Y/n moved over, making room for the green eyes girl who happily sat beside him.

"You weren't at school again today. I started to worry." She mumbled sadly, laying her head against his chest.

Y/n frowned, patting the the crown of her head,"I'm sorry. I got sick again. But don't worry. I'll be back to school in no time! Than me and and you can see who swings the highest on the swing set!"

Natalie frowned, raising her head up and her eyes focused onto his lips that were redder than they usually were.

"Are you sure it's just a cold, Y/n? You've been getting sick so much..." She trailed off.

Y/n hummed,"That's what mommy says! She says if I don't get better in two days, I have to go to the hospital."

He averted his gaze towards his window,"For some reason, mommy seems very scared. Her eyes are always filled with sadness when she sees me. She doesn't smile like she used to either..."

Natalie frowned, scooting over to the h/c haired male and throwing her arm around his shoulder, his heart monitor picking up but she didn't notice.

"Don't worry too much! I know what will make you better..." She trailed with a smile, reaching over the side of the bed for her backpack.

He raised an eyebrow,"What?"

She picked the object up in her hand, smiling widely,"Winnie The Pooh!!"

Y/n's eyes lit up at the sight of the book in her small pale hands.

"Will you read to me?" He softly questioned.

She smiled softly, getting comfortable beside him,"Always."

(Three hours later)

Natalie frowned, sitting on the window sill as she gazed out at the moon.

She couldn't help but think about Y/n.

For as long as she could remember, Y/n had always been a sick child.


She actually met him in a hospital when she broke her arm while riding her bike. Later, she found out they went to the same preschool and they basically became friends after that.

She was worried.

Y/n seemed to be getting worse and worse with each passing day. It looked like he would pass out at any second.


She snapped her head to the door, seeing her dad standing there.

"You should be asleep." He softly spoke, making his way over to her.

She nodded,"I should, Dad but I can't sleep."

He sat down opposite her,"Why not?"

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