Emotionless (Laughing Jack x fem!emotionless reader)

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Narrator's POV:
Y/n L/n. The name of the h/c haired girl that had the Laughing Jack wrapped around her s/c finger,only she never knew that. Y/n is a killer living amongst the creepypastas and immediately caught the monochromatic clowns attention. Of course,y/n always caught everyone's attention.

Why? Y/n was emotionless. Never showing any sign of any kind of emotion ever since she was five. Her e/c orbs never sparkled like everyone hoped,her mouth always in a frown or pursed together and her voice held nothing but emptiness. All the pastas tried to get y/n to show a slight twinge of emotion,but failed...miserably more times than they could all count.

Third Person's POV:
Y/n released a bored sigh as she plopped down on the sofa next to Jeff. "Sup Y/n/n?" He asked. "Nothing." Y/n answered in her normal monotone voice. An awkward silence surrounded them before the doors burst open to reveal LJ,EJ,Toby,Masky and Hoodie. "H-ey Jeff,Hey Y-/n!" Toby smiled as he waved and plopped down next to Y/n.

Y/n just waved in response as her dull eyes flickered over them. "What you guy up to?" Jeff asked. "Nothing! Just planning on trying to make y/n show a small sign of emotion!" Masky yelled as he pointed at y/n. Y/n just shook her head as she stood up,all of them turning to her. "You guys really don't know how to give up..." She explained boredly. They all remained silent.

Y/n sighed,"Fine. You each get three tries to make me show any signs of emotions. If you fail,you have to do my chorse for a month but if you win...I'll let you take a picture of me smiling!" y/n explained as she walked out and to her room,not giving them to react or respond.

Sure,to somebody else the prize would've seemed worthless but this was THE emotionless,resting bitch faced y/n l/n who was allowing them to keep a photo of her first emotion forever. BEN smirked as he came out of the TV,"Game on!" He yelled. Of course,all the pastas got into action,thinking about what they were going to do to make you show at least one emotion.

All except one,LJ. LJ was sitting in a corner of the room with a faint blush spread across his pale cheeks along with his lips quivering in nervousness. LJ was a pro at making people smile and laugh but when it came to you,he would always go blank. He tried telling you a few jokes but you just looked at him with no emotion whatsoever.

He sighed as he got up and walked out of the living room to his bedroom. "It's useless." He said as he closed his door and plopped on his bed. He reached for photo of all the pastas including you and touched you face with his claw like finger,"Why are you like this y/n/n? Just a tiny giggle or smile would be enough." He frowned as he placed the frame back on his nightstand.

Y/n's POV:
I sighed as I flopped onto my bed,"Why do they try so hard?" I turned so I was on my left side and scrolled through my phone. This was a daily routine for me. I do what everyone else does in the mornings,eat breakfast and than the pastas would all try to make me show an emotion. LJ...he actually always makes me feel like there's a little emotion left in me.

Whenever he's around,I get this weird feeling in my stomach and chest. "I wonder why..." i muttered under my breathe as I went on Google to search why. "Why,does,my,stomach,and, heart,leap,and,twist,whenever,a,certain,person,is,around?" I spoke as I typed the words into the search bar. I waited patiently for an answer.

"When this happens,you're either sick or in love. Your stomach does flips and twists,your heart flutters and pounds against your chest when that special someone is close,you always think about them,your cheeks heat up,they make you feel like you're on cloud nine. This is also what you would feel towards a crush or the person you're in love." I read out loud.

My brain went blank before realisation hit me like a truck. "So I might be in love with Laughing Jack,huh?" I thought out loud. "Oh,I am in love with him." I breathed out. I sat up,"But he would never return the feelings that I feel for him. I mean,nobody wants an emotionless nutcase." I slipped on my black converse and grabbed my oversized hoodie from behind my door.

"I need to clear my head." I muttered as I walked down the many hallways of SlenderMansion. I arrived at the front door and just as I was about to walk out,"Hey y/n! Wait up!" my head whipped around to be met with LJ's tall figure running towards me. Outside I remained emotionless but my hammering heart and flipping stomach stated otherwise.

As I was pacing up and down the hallway,I stopped when my eyes landed on the h/c-nette haired girl that I fell head over heels for. I immediately stopped as my face heated up and my lips quivered again. I held my breathe as she walked past me when she was out of sight I released.

"Whoo! She didn't see me." I wiped my forehead with my right arm. "Wait! This is my chance to make her laugh!" I exclaimed as I ran down the hallway towards her. 'Okay,LJ here goes nothing!' I thought. "Hey y/n! Wait up!" I watched as she stopped and turned around. When I was finally infront of her,"Where you going?" I asked.

"A walk in the woods. I just wanted to clear my head." She explained as she looked outside and back up at me. I gulped,"D-do you mind i-if I join? I n-need to clear my t-thoughts aswell." I explained as I sheepishly rubbed the back of my head with a nervous chuckle. "Sure." She said as she walked out,me following behind her.

An awkward silence surrounded us. "So..." I said. "What's on your mind?" she asked boredly. "H-huh??" I asked flustered. "You said you needed to clear your head aswell. So what's on your mind that you need to clear?" she asked as she stopped and looked up at me with her dull e/c orbs. 'Shit...' I thought as my bottom lip quivered once more.

"I,uh,actually like this girl,uh,but I'm not,uh,sure if she will accept,uh,m-my feelings." I explained as I looked away. "What about you,y/n/n?" I asked as I met her dull e/c orbs again. She sighed,"I realised earlier that I might like this guy but I don't think he'll feel the same." My heart shattered at the thought of her and this guy being together.

"Why do you say that?" I asked as I led her to a fallen tree where we sat down. "Look at me Jack. I'm an emotionless bitch. My eyes,they're dull,my hair a boring h/c and my frown that I can't turn upside down." She explained monotonous. I frowned,"He's better off with someone else." She finished off.

Third Person's POV:
LJ knitted his eyebrows,"Don't you ever call yourself a bitch ever again." Y/n looked at him with dull eyes. "Also,I happen to love your e/c eyes and your h/l h/c hair. Your frown,sure YOU can't turn it upside down but everyone else could." He explained as he cupped her cheeks. "I think you're perfect. You're breathtakingly gorgeous even though you dont see it,I do."

"I wouldn't have you looking any other way because," He took in a deep breathe,"Because I'm so deeply and madly in love with you,y/n." Y/n stared at him wide-eyed and her bottom lip quievered as her eyes started to tear up and her cheeks dusted a pink color. LJ's eyes widened,"Y-you're..."

"Crying and flustered." Y/n sobbed out with a gentle laugh. LJ was still shocked,he managed to make you cry,laugh and flustered all at the same time,without a joke too. LJ took his thumbs and gently wiped the tears away as tears slipped from his. "I love you too,Jack." Y/n softly smiled as more tears slipped from her e/c eyes.

LJ then leaned down as y/n lifted her head a little and met him half way to close the gap. Your lips were exactly how LJ imagined it,soft,smooth and minty. The kiss was short and full of love. LJ broke the kiss and gazed down into y/n's e/c orbs only to realise that they were sparkling instead of dull. "Pretty..." LJ muttered as he gazed at your face.

Y/n just smiled,"Pfft! HAHAHAH!!" Y/n laughed as she clutched her stomach. "That was so cheesy!" She laughed. LJ just looked at y/n with a smile. "What?" she asked as she looked at him. "Nothing. You should laugh and smile more. It suits you really well." LJ smiled as he wrapped his arms around y/n and placed her on his lap. Y/n just blushed and nodded.

"Y/n,if you don't mind me asking,why did you stop showing your emotions?" LJ asked. Y/n sighed,"Everyone always told me that my laugh was ugly and annoying,my smile was weird and my crying was ugly. So I just stopped." LJ remained silent,"Names." was all he said. "What?" y/n asked as she looked up at him.

"Names." He said again. "Oh! They're long gone Jack. Don't worry." Y/n assured him as she giggled and ruffled his black hair. LJ blushed and turned away. "So,does this make us a thing?" He asked. Y/n nodded,"I'd like that." She pecked his cheek before getting up,along with LJ and walked back to the mansion hand in hand.

Let's just say,that all the pastas were awestruck when they saw y/n and LJ walk in laughing and smiling hand in hand with each other. I don't think y/n will be hiding her emotions anytime soon.😉

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