Too Late...PART TWO (depressed!Ticci-Toby

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Hey @elementalsaphire! Thanks for another request! I hope that this one shot will be as good as the previous one.

Anyways,on to the oneshot!

It's been about a year since Y/n fell to her death from the roof of Slendermansion. Toby blamed himself for her death. Maybe if he had noticed what was going on sooner, she would still be around... but she's not.

And deep down... Toby knows a part of it is his fault for not realising how much pain the love of his life was in.

The ticking proxy hasn't been the same since Y/n's death. He hasn't spoken to the pastas, or his operater. He barely leaves his room or Y/n's room.

He just wants her back... he needs her back...

Ticci-Toby's POV:
I frowned under my mouth guard as I read through Y/n's diary, the one she kept since she moved into Slendermansion and became a killer, for the hundredth time.

My tears soiled the pages and smudged the f/c ink, making the words practically unreadable.

But, reading it over so many times, I know every word by heart. She even wrote about her crush on me. She portrayed me like I was the most perfect thing created on the face of this Earth.

But... it seems impossible to picture me like this, especially after...

I whimpered as I brought the f/c diary to my chest, turning on my side on my bed as tears rolled down my pale cheeks and soaked into my black pillow.

She's gone... it's all my fault. If I stood a little bit closer... if I moved a little bit faster... maybe... just maybe... she'd be here right now... in my arms.

Her scent seemed so distant now and her face was getting further away from me.

My gaze traveled to the picture frame on my desk. It used to be with all the pastas but when Y/n moved in, it was only me and her in the frame.

She was smiling as I had an arm lazily draped over her shoulders, pulling her into my side. A huge smile was on my face as I held a piece sign and a waffle hung loosely from my lips as Y/n had one hanging from hers too, syrup on both our cheeks.

It was our first Waffle Party.

A knock on my door brought me out of my daze.

I turned to the door,"G-o away!"

"T-toby? It's Sally..."

I sat up as I looked at the door.


"Can I come in?" She whispered from the opposite end.

I looked at my mirror on my wardrobe. My hair was mishelved ,eye bags adorned my dull honey brown eyes that were puffy, my nose was red from all the sniffling and dry tears stained my cheeks.

I sighed,"Sure."

A few seconds later, my door opened to reveal the green eyed ten year old. She turned to me and frowned. I looked away, not wanting a kid to take pity on a seventeen year old boy.

"Toby.." Sally mumbled as she closed my door.

She walked until she stopped infront of me. She ran her tiny hand through my brown locks, my gaze locked to my side.

Her hand left my hair and I looked down at her. She opened her small arms with a sad smile. My bottom lip quivered as I threw my pillow aside, reached my arms out and brought her into my lap as I wrapped my long arms around her.

Sally wrapped her smaller arms around me and I broke down into loud cries.

"Sshh... it's okay Toby. It's gonna be okay..." Sally cooed as she ran her small, scarred hands through my hair.

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