What Ever It Takes (SlenderMan x male!proxy!reader)

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This was requested by Vincent_Says_No_Homo I hope you enjoy this. Thanks for requesting. I wasn't sure if you wanted the proxy to be his son or if you wanted him to see Slender as a father figure?
Y/n L/n is a proxy of Slender. As soon as Slender took him in as his proxy,Y/n emotionally attached himself to the SlenderMan. Slender didn't really notice though because his attention was on his best proxy,Masky. Y/n knew that Slender wouldn't notice all his efforts and achievements but this only made the h/cnette male more determined to get the Slenderman to notice him more. When all attempts fail....he does something he shouldn't have....but he had to....for Slender.....for his master and father figure.....

Y/n's POV:
I shut the main door behind me with a big bang. Winter was around and the storm outside came with huge amounts of wind. I sighed as I brushed the snow off my f/c coat. I hung my coat on the coat hanger and shook the snow out of my h/l,h/c hair.

I shook as a chill ran down my spine. Usually Slender doesn't send us out during winter because nobody ever comes into the woods or everyone within the woods borders are away for the season. But,I still go out there,patrolling and killing anyone who enters.

So far only two people have tried to get the mansions location. I bet you're wondering why I would do that? Well,I've been trying to get Slender's attention. Get him to notice my achievements as a proxy but all his attention his on Masky. I growled under my breathe. I don't hate him it's just he's getting more credit than he deserves. "Y/n?" A voice brought me out of my thoughts.

I looked up to see Jane. "Jane? What are you doing up this late?" I questioned with a nervous chuckle. She raised her eyebrow,"I should ask you the same question." She walked down the steps,her heels clicking with each step she took. She stopped infront of me and placed her hand on my cold,exposed neck.

I shivered at the warmth. "You're as cold as death Y/n!" She glared. I sighed as I looked at my f/c f/s's,the snow melting. "Give me your hands." She demanded. "Why?" I questioned. "Because I said so!" She retorted. 'Wow. Good response Jane. You should become a lawyer.' I thought as I stretched out my s/c hands.

She gasped as her warm hands grabbed my shivering ones. "Y/n! You're fingers!" She exclaimed. "Shoosh!" I whisper yelled. I sighed as I looked down at my blue,ice covered fingers. I shrugged,"It's not a big deal."

"Not a big deal? Not a big deal?!  Y/n you have frostbite! Any second longer out in that storm and you could've died of hyperthermia! I don't understand why you push yourself over your limits! They're called limits for a fucking reason!" Jane exclaimed with anger,fear and sadness coating her words.

I sighed,"You know why Jane." She frowned and rubbed my hands,"All of this. For him. It's not worth it. You're life is more important to us. To me. As your best friend,I'm tell-no I'm ORDERING you to not step foot out of this mansion. Unless Slender sends you." I sighed,"Yes mom."

She smiled and punched my arm playfully. "Let's go to my room. The fire is burning." She explained as she led me to her room. Jane is the only one who knows about how I see Slender. She's my best friend. Honestly,how we became friends was weird but that's a story for another time.

Jane opened her bedroom door and led me in. I walked in and Jane closed the door behind her. "Sit down" she commanded as she pushed me down on the black carpeted floor infront of the fire place. I wrapped my arms around my frame as I gazed into the burning flames,one demon entering my mind,Zalgo.

"Here you go." Jane smiled as she threw a black blanket over my shoulders. I hummed in content as I wrapped the black fluffy blanket around me. Jane ruffled my hair before sitting down at her dresser,starting to brush her black locks. I turned my gaze back to the flames that danced around the wood. 'Zalgo.....' I thought.

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