Silent Scream (Father!Slenderman x depressed!daughter reader)

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The following content contains mental ab***, physical a***, shitty parenting, su*****, self-harm, over**** and other dark themes.
If the above mentioned make you uncomfortable, please skip onto the next oneshot.
Thank you.

Narrator's POV:
Y/n L/n,the daughter of Slenderman himself,was a very reserved girl and perfect at putting on a facade. You see,being Slender's daughter came with alot of pros and cons. But y/n always felt like a puppet to Slender. She never gets to makes her own decisions or try anything new. Slender was a very strict parent too.

He showed y/n off to his brothers like a priceless doll. Of course,his brothers were the only ones who could see through her facade,sending her sad smiles when Slender didn't notice. The brothers have told him that he needs to be more gentle especially since you're turning y/a,but he would always scoff in return.

They would also warn him,that if he doesn't change how he treats you,you might do something stupid. Slender,of course just dismisses the thought all the time and trains and teaches you twice as hard. But, Slender would regret everything after tonight.

Third Person's POV:
Y/n was slammed onto the ground on her back,causing her to shriek in pain. "You haven't been training,y/n." Slender explained with a cold tone as he retracted his black tendril from around her waist. Y/n just placed both hands under her and attempted to gey back up,only to fall again,making her hiss in pain.

She then used her f/c tendrils to help her up,"I have been training,Father. I've been training for 18 hours everyday!" y/n explained as she wiped the blood out of the corner of her mouth. Slender 'tched' as he walked out of the training room,"Then make it 20 hours!" and with that he slammed the door shut.

Y/n broke down into tears as she layed there on the floor,choking out sobs and whimpers,"Why am I never good enough for him?" she looked at the bruises from her training.

Y/n's POV:
As I was wiping my tears,I didn't hear the door open,"Y/n?" I looked up as my gaze met Uncle Splendy's poker dotted suit. I hurriedly wiped my tears,"Uncle Splendy?" He looked at me and gasped as he ran to me and caged me in a loving embrace. "Oh y/n..." Splendy trailed. I just broke down again into a fit of sobs and whimpers as my hands gripped the blazer of his suit.

"Shhh,it's okay,it'll be okay,my little y/n." Splendy explained as he cried aswell and hugged me tighter. "H-he's never h-happy with a-anything I d-do! Why?! W-why does h-he treat me l-like this Uncle Splendy?! Am I n-not his c-child?!" I yelled as the tears fell like waterfalls. "I wish I knew y/n." Splendy explained as he wiped my tears away with his thumb and I leaned into the warmth of his hand.

He gasped,"Y/n,you're hurt." He whimpered. "I'm f-fine." I smiled up at him,but my tears said otherwise. "No need for fake smiles,y/n." He sadly smiled. He then hoisted me onto his back and held his arms around my thighs as mine wrapped around his neck. "I'm taking you to Trendor." was all he said as I nodded and buried my face into his neck and whimpered.

Splendorman's POV:
I frowned as I heard y/n whimper behind me. I remained silent as I made many twists and turns until I arrived at Trendor's. I knocked on the door,"Come in." I heard him say. I opened the door,"Hey Trendor,I need help." was all I said. "With wha-!" He asked as he turned to me and gasped at the beaten up y/n on my back.

"Put her on the bed." He said as he got a first aid kit from his dressing table. I nodded and gently placed y/n on the bed,her hissing. "Sorry Y/n." I said with a frown as I sat down next to her wnd stroked her h/l,h/c hair. "It's not your fault,Uncle Splendy." She weakly smiled at me. "Okay." Trendor said as he sat down on the bed next to y/n,"Y/n I'm going to put some disinfectant on your wounds so it doesn't get infected before wrapping you up. Okay?" He explained and y/n nodded with a smile.

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