This was requested by elementalsapphire. I hope this one shot is what you were expecting. Enjoy!!
-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+Y/n L/n is a proxy for Slenderman. The other pastas haven't taken a liking to her though and she knows it.
It's because Y/n has Tourette's and unlike Toby, she can't control it. Toby is the only one who enjoys her company and befriended her.
He was ecstatic when he found out she shared the same disorder as her, it only made him want to be her friend more.
But, Y/n has a problem... she's suicidal. This started in her home but she got through it.
It came back when the pastas started insulting her and mocking her twitches and ticks.
Y/B's POV:
I smiled as I walked down the staircase of the creepypasta mansion. I hummed happily but stopped as my neck cracked.I groaned as I cautiously walked down the rest of the stairs,gripping the railing with my s/c hands. But, I guess I wasn't careful enough because my whole body twitched and I lost my footing.
I yelped as I closed my eyes, waiting for the impact. I waited and waited but my body did not collide with the cold floors.
Instead, I felt two strong arms around my frame. I slowly opened my e/c eyes and was met with Toby's worried gaze.
"Yo-u shou-ld be more car-eful Y/n. Wha-t happene-d?" He softly questioned.
"I-" I twitched aggressively,my neck cracking again.
Toby nodded,"Oh."
I sighed, still in his arms,"I-t's so a-nno-ying To-bes. How d-o you no-t g-et in-to t-hese kin-d of sit-ua-tions?"
Toby shrugged,"Pr-ac-tice."
I hummed until I realised I was still in the brunet's arms.
I blushed furiously,"T-t-toby... y-ou can p-ut me do-wn no-w..."
Toby blushed lightly as he put me down. He chuckled nervously as he ticked,rubbing the back of his neck.
"I'-m so-rry, Y/n." He apologized.
"I-it's fine..." I stuttered out.
Silence surrounded us. An awkward silence as we avoided any and all eye contact. Toby coughed which made me look at him.
"I u-h, I hav-e to see Sle-nder." He coughed.
"An-d I hav-e to u-h.... go ther-e." I twitched again.
I groaned in annoyance as I stomped off into the kitchen. I just made myself look like a complete fool infront of my crush!! Way to go Y/n!
I frowned as I opened the fridge, getting some water out of it. I opened the cap and brought it to my slightly chapped lips.
As I was drinking the refreshing beverage, my whole body ticked and twitched, making me bite my tongue and spill my water.
I screeched in pain as I stuck my tongue out of my mouth, observing the small blob of blood.
"Gw-od dw-am-ni-t!" I scold myself as I grabbed the mop and mopped up the clear liquid.
I heard snickers and looked up to see Jeff, BEN, Clockwork, Masky and LJ.
I frowned as I looked at them,"W-hat a-ar-e yo-u g-uys la-ugh-ing a-t?"
"W-ha-t ar-e y-ou gu-ys la-ugh-ing a-t?" Jeff mocked.
I frowned as they all laughed. I lowered my gaze to the floor as tears pricked my e/c orbs.
"Is it just me or are your ticks and stuff annoying?" Clockwork questioned.
Creepypasta Oneshots (Completed)
Fanfiction(31/08/22 - why are people still reading this?? It's so cringey,, ; also, please keep in mind that I wrote this when I was 13-15 years old so don't expect a masterpiece) Just a random one shot book. (Honestly what am I doing with my life). Anyways,r...