You Belong To Me (Yandere!Masky x oblivious!female!reader)

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This oneshot was requested by DoodleDeer73. Thanks for the request and I'm sorry for the delay. I had to update my other books as well.

Anyways, I hope that you'll like this oneshot and that I got everything right.


Y/n L/n and Masky were the best of friends. But, Y/n was not a killer or proxy, merely a friend to the pastas. She would often visit them and they her. She was a friendly girl and always happy to help.

But, with these two qualities often came a bad and irritating one... obliviousness.

Masky has this huge crush on Y/n and he drops so many hints, but she doesn't see them. She would only smile and say 'You really are the bestest friend a girl could have Masky!', which broke the mask wearing proxy.

He was obsessed with her; crazy for her.

She had no idea how tightly the killer had coiled himself around her like a snake.

But, what if one day, she realizes how tight Masky's grip really is?

What if, one by one, her friends start mysteriously disappearing and turning up dead?

Masky's POV:
I happily walked down the stairs of the mansion, smiling widely under my mask.

I was so happy. I was gonna see Y/n.

Even if I did see her yesterday, I'm still excited. I just love her so much. I walked into the living room, beaming.

"Afternoon Hoodie!" I greeted my partner.

"Afternoon Masky. What's got you in such a happy mood?" He questioned as he tilted his head to the side.


"Dude, come on. It's kind of obvious. He's going to see his precious Y/n." BEN smirked as his eyes were locked to the TV.

I felt heat raise to my cheeks as I chuckled nervously. "N-no, not at all..." I denied.

They all hummed sarcastically as they continued to do what they were doing.

"Well screw you guys!" I growled as I turned on my heel and left the living room, stomping.

"He's totally whipped." I heard Jeff point out slyly, noises of agreement following his statement.

I grumbled as I walked over to the door, ready to leave when someone called me.


I turned to to see Hoodie a few feet away.

"Don't listen to them. I think it's natural for you to fall for someone like Y/n. She's just your type." Hoodie smiled.

I awkwardly rubbed the back of my neck,"T-thanks Brian."

"Anytime. Although, a word of advice. If you want to confess, start out slowly. Don't just throw your love and affection at her. Deliver it in small pieces. Over time, she'll get the hint." He explained.

I hummed,"I know but what if she doesn't feel the same?"

Hoodie shrugged,"I doubt it. I mean, look at all the guys she turned down. What other reason could there be for her lack of interest in dating?"

"Maybe she wants to finish her studies first?" I stated like it was obvious and it was.

Y/n explained a million times that she wants to finish her studies before getting into a relationship.

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